Way off

Placed the images on a fresh scan. It was the 1st job of the day.

For some reason chrome is not working on my desktop machine. Forcing me to use the next best, Firefox.

Guess it’s better than Netscape 3.5. :wink:

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I was using Chrome to access the interface. @mpipes which one did you switch from that was shifting the dot? (Cause that might be of interest to the support team.)

BTW… Working loosely on @takitus’ recommendation, I’m using the first sheet as a reference for a seconds sheet. Simply adjusted my focus/material height and laid the new on the old. Coming out way better. From now on I guess I’ll have to presume the accuracy will be off and make an outline.

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I have see where Chromium has been installed (by choice or spyware) and it screws up Chrome (even with a clean Chrome install).

Normally I will uninstall Chrome and try to find the uninstaller for Chromium. More times than not, I have manually delete all locations of Chromium files then do a clean install of Chrome after a reboot.

Now this is on Windows machines. Have not had to do a Chromium removal on Mac.

I was using Safari.

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I’d tell 'em in case they don’t catch it here. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just emailed them. I still had the new email open from earlier when I changed my mind, LOL.


We’re still improving our layout and alignment, so your print may appear offset from where you put it by up to a quarter inch. For the most accurate alignment results:

  • Use Proofgrade materials
  • Enter the thickness of the material if it’s not Proofgrade
  • Use material that is not warped or tilted
  • Place your design near the center of the bed
  • Reboot the machine if you see the alignment drifting

In the mean time, if you see errors of more than 1/4" with Proofgrade material, please let us know.

I’m sorry for the difficulty tonight.