Welcome to Our Robot Overlords - Amazon fulfillment video


I donā€™t see the humans in that video doing anything that robots canā€™t do. I think they will be redundant soon.


Cool video. I like the giant robot arm the most. Even my work is going to be bringing in robots to do some work. It really wonā€™t effect us any because we have to currently order the parts from a company who uses robots to do the same thing.

I was thinking, seems really inefficient to have the little swarm bots carrying stacks of shelving to a human so the items can be picked and stuck into another bin, when you know that another human had to have already picked those items to place into the shelves the robots are carrying.

Also I only saw 3 humans actually doing anything - pick, forklift, and boxing. The rest were standing aroundā€¦ errrā€¦ uhhhā€¦ ā€œmonitoringā€ the robots or something. :wink:


You can say that again.
(See what I did there?)


Yep, not sure why the person was scanning bar codes and dropping the products onto the belt by hand. Seemed extremely automatableā€¦ There isnā€™t likely a lot of judgement there, so not sure why itā€™s manual.


Itā€™s something that could be automated, but probably not very cost effective. Too many irregularly shaped objects. But the person picking them from the robot shelves should just put them into the orange crate. Now if they could get everyone to package everything in a box shape, then it would be simple. Just put a suction cup on the robot end of arm tooling, and there goes that person. Iā€™m so happy Iā€™m in automation. Iā€™ll have work until the T1000 gets built. Then Iā€™m in trouble.


The robots are pulling the shelves to the person that is filling the order. Each bin that they are putting the stuff into is a separate order. This allows them to pack the warehouse tighter with a weird ā€˜no organizationā€™ type thing. They just fill the shelves with whatever stock they have, then someone doesnā€™t have to go running through the shelves to find the two different widgets you order. Not sure what the guy putting the things into the bins by themselves on the conveyor was doing though.

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Unless theyā€™ve changed this, Amazon sorts everything by size in order to utilize every inch of space on each shelf. You might see a blender, a book, and garden hose on the same shelf.


With the Kiva robots it may be more of a ā€œIf itā€™ll fit on the shelf it goes thereā€ type thing, but either way it can mean that if you get two of those blenders they may be on different shelves. (Depending on stock levels etc.) In either case it beats having someone run a half mile down to one end of the warehouse, and then back to get items. :slight_smile:

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That is both amazing and disturbing simultaneously. Awesome.


Humans arenā€™t redundant until the robots can go out get paying jobs and want to buy stuff too.

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Well, eventually the humans will have given their jobs to robots so humans will not have money to go buy stuff.

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thatā€™s where universal basic income comes in, unless youā€™re excited for our cyberpunk dystopian future, in which case, woo


The wonderful irony.

The robots taking jobs making stuff for people who can not afford itā€¦ so basically, thereā€™s no use for the robots to keep making stuff. People will only be able to afford what their universal basic income will cover, which is basically not even all the essentials, certainly no extras, and the businesses that have to pay into the universal basic income will complain about it because the market for their unnecessary goods has vanished.


well, properly implemented, ubi covers more than that. but itā€™s going to be a balancing game over the next 20 years for sure.

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If everyone had basic income covered, they could come up with way more interesting things to do with their time than work in a warehouse, and many of those things are likely to become new industries or income sources of their own. So far, we humans havenā€™t exactly made a point of sitting around and just scraping by, so I donā€™t see why we would quit creating and innovating just because all the tedious, repetitive jobs are getting done by robots.