Why does uploading sometimes take forever?

randomly I get stuck on

#### Uploading…

Your design is being uploaded.

even for small designs. Any ideas why?

WiFi issues, most likely.

Along with the wifi issue that @eflyguy mentioned, file size can also cause problems with uploading - I learned that one the hard way.

with Century Link – impossible :slight_smile:

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As @eflyguy already mentioned, the usual reason for this behavior is Wi-Fi connection instability.

However, here are some other tips that can be helpful to rule out:

  • Make sure you’re using one of these common browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge
  • Update to the latest version of the browser:
  • Go to https://www.whatismybrowser.com/
  • When you get there, the page will tell you if your browser is up to date. If not, there will be a big button that says “how to upgrade”
  • Clear your cache and cookies. You can find instructions here: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge
  • Reboot your computer

If you’re still having trouble, could you please let me know which browsers you’ve tried, and whether you’ve noticed any patterns around this behavior, such as time of day or type of file?

It’s been a little while since I’ve seen any replies on this thread so I’m going to close it. If you still need help with this please either start a new thread or email support@glowforge.com.