Will not load any designs new or old

Glowforge pro. have tried logging out, restarting, clearing cache, and tried loading original designs, a new design, and even glorforge free designs. Nothing will load in. Just give me an error attached. Failed to load design. I can’t think of what else to try it doesn’t seem like the system is down.

Have you tried a different browser or device?


If you post your device, OS, and browser, someone else might be able to replicate. Everything working fine here on both my laptop (Mac, multiple browsers) and even my phone (iPhone, Safari and Chrome). We’re all using the same app as it generally loads from scratch any time they update it (I often have to log back in which is a clue that it’s changed.)

It might be something going on with a plugin you’re using. I have several to disable ads, tracking, videos, etc., and have no issues


I am having the same issue on my desktop computer, but my husband is not on his laptop.
Both Google Chrome browsers
His laptop runs Windows 10
My desktop runs Windows 11
I’ve cleared my cache, history, cookies, etc… I‘ve rebooted my computer multiple times, but it will not load my designs; new, old, GF downloads, nor recent designs my husband had printed!