Beta Project: An accuracy challenge

Amen to both these.
When i returned to Australia after my first 3 years away i took a long look at the ‘extensive and exhaustive’ notes i made on my programs (on dot-matrix printouts lol)… they literally made no sense.
From spending hours a day coding to not being able to even read that code any more in just 3 years :frowning:

Anyway, C# is my love now, that is good enough for me


I’m also an old assembly programmer and hexadecimal fan. It really came in useful when visiting Disneyworld a few decades ago.

They had a memory game, where they flashed a 4x4 array of lights for a short time. Then you had to remember which lights were on.

Think of the 1’s as being lit:
1 0 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0

All I had to do is remember 9, 7, A, C, and convert that back to binary. Totally freaked my kids out how well I could remember the patterns!

A parting programmer joke: Why do programmers always confuse Halloween and Christmas?

Because 31(OCT) == 25(DEC)!


I’ve never written any myself, but I worked with a guy whose first job was maintaining a pile of assembly code. There was a total of one comment in it: “This is the tricky part”.


I had one program I did that in - it was incredibly complex and so many moving parts with such a huge impact on the core structure of the system that I put one comment in “If you think you need to modify this, better to rewrite it from scratch.” It took me 3 months to write and every one of the architects and code reviewers agreed - never touch it :slight_smile:

Some things are not worth fixing - better to start over.


I liked assembly and was good at it 25+ years ago. I probably could pick it back up again but I don’t really see that happening.


I took advantage of un-implemented op-codes on the C64’s 6510 processor to do copy protection. Something like, if you do a jump on the border of a 1K block of code, it only uses one nybble of the jump address, instead of the whole byte. Things that would fool the assembler. Houdini-level misdirection! Such early white-hat black-hat stuff!


Speaking of code, just learned today what the kids are signalling when they type POS and PIR in texts. Gotta keep up with the dang whipper-snappers.


I wrote my share of 6502/65C02/65C816 assembly language back in high school. Did some SPARC assembly in college, and I have messed around a bit with x86 (yuck) and AVR more recently. But these days I stick with higher-level languages. Modern architectures aren’t worth writing assembly for unless you’re writing the code-generator for a compiler or if you’re writing some really low-level bits of an operating system.

PDP-8 assembler in high school and a bit in college. Some 8080/Z80 later. Which is why I am very careful about criticizing and instruction set as convoluted.

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