Link Repository - collection of links

mouseing over it, my cursor arrow turns into a selection finger, but clicking does nothing.:thinking:

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I believe there’s a per-category setting to “allow a ‘correct’ answer for posts in this category” that’s set for Q&A.

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Should this be moved to another category? Not much on the Q , more of a general A.

Thank you SO much for putting this together! Now I can delete all the individual bookmarks I have made for interesting links and just keep this one!


Thank you!

Hey no prob. I am glad people are still discovering this and using it!

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Howdy folks,

Just took a gander at if people have been using the area for GF settings. Looks like you guys have been. Thank you for contributing!

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This is fabulous - I’ve already added one more setting (for 230gsm Pergamenata).

The only thing that would be nice if each of the materials had a category (eg. the Perg would be “paper”). Any issue with me adding that column?

This seems to have disappeared… has it perhaps magically reappeared elsewhere? :pray:

These are the most recent one I know of:


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The link seems not to be working. Can you send it to me or turn it back on?

Presuming you’re not talking about the link at the top which folks have already commented has stopped working, and you are talking about the ones directly above your comment - they’re not mine, but they’re working fine for me. The first goes to a Google Sheet, the 2nd is a website with a database. Can you be specific as to what’s not working for you?

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