1.3k lpi

Bugs gotta bug. I can only imagine that they are seeing in more detail whatever we are seeing in those pictures, and that the final result will be different.


It looks like shifting on a few lines. Who knows why… loose belt, missed step, something like that
This is what Im seeing:


I noticed what @karaelena pointed out as well. As the lucky recipient of the Shamforge (here’s a link) I saw a similar issue with the curves. In addition to mine probably being cut at a lower resolution, I think my source .svg files may have had imperfect arcs in them. The curves came from an OpenSCAD file where I maxed out the resolution on the cylinders. Then imported into inkscape where I could make three copies, rotate them and add a stem. I thought I had spotted, in close up, the curves as really being really short lines in places, but didn’t have time to do anything about it. Some of the shamforges curves are smooth, some are a little bit jinky. What I’m trying to say, is that the issue could be in the source file. Or it could be a bug.

Its not only in the curves though… it perpetuates horizontally through all cuts, even if they are running perpendicular and straight. It seems to effect whole horizontal sections at a time



Good point. I’ve been pondering the curve thing for over a month wondering if I need a different tool set, or a different process, so I’m fixated on the curves. Didn’t really look anywhere else. I didn’t notice any issues with the straight cuts on my acrylic piece.


Do you have a high res photo of the shamrock? I saw one on the forums, but I couldnt see the issue very well. Id love to see what was happening in yours

The effect on the material is, very roughly, power * time. Going slower does mean more material removal, so things like lower power are useful.

Also from much older hardware - our non-NDA demo hardware is unchanged since basically Maker Faire.


Right; think of it like vertical resolution, not discrimination ability.

The milestone of checking in the code for selecting lines-per-inch. :slight_smile:

Bug in the raster generation, one of the improvements we’re working on.

Not a hardware problem fortunately - it’s in the cut simulator too, which means a software problem.


Ah. Thanks.


Cool. You built a simulator. Was wondering whether you would do that. I always had fun building a S/W representation of the hardware to support early testing.


That’s good to hear! Nothing at all to do with movement, which is great news =)


It’s not something easy to see. You need to look at the correct angle and light. I tried to message you some photos but high res equals too large to send.


Well now, that’s just really clever.

I did not know a cut simulator was a thing, but now it seems an indispensable thing.


This topic is amazing. Thanks so much for putting the pic out for evaluation, @dan. And thanks for the technical responses by all. I didn’t feel up to posting last night because I was too busy trying to figure out everything you were referring to.


Looking good. I’m getting very excited about this. We know you will get it working right for us Dan.

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