You can buy Proofgrade material in larger passthrough sizes which support actually can help you with. GF customer support doesn’t support non PG materials for a reason: the manufacturing is out of their control, therefore there’s no way to guarantee performance of low grade Home Depot product. If you insist on using a product not meant for laser cutting it’s not a support issue.
If you have a Pro, you have the passthrough slots. Nothing is preventing you from using them. The auto alignment software that is in beta is not necessary to use the passthrough feature. Many of us with the Pro have been using it since the machine was released.
There is plenty reasons i don’t use it, neither the automatic or manual alignment ever work, the gf stops my projects halfway. I never said the pass through was a material issue.
They have maybe one item in a bigger size, everything is always sold out. So i don’t understand the reasoning behind saying you can create huge projects yet don’t have actual material for it. And say its not a support issue if you try to use non pg material.
I guess I assumed that’s why you were “looking into their return policy” - not being able to figure out how to get good settings is no basis for looking for a return.
Nope, I’ve tried plenty of settings and had plenty of trial and error. I don’t like coming on here and just asking for an answer without ever trying. Me wanting to return the gf is the machine itself beyond alignment issues. I understand they sell pg material for a reason. But as i look in this forum many use materials other than pg. Again thanks for everyone’s help
The HD birch was the first thing I purchased of non PG wood and have noted the issues. When I bought my pro. alignment was nowhere as good as now. With the software improvements, and more experience on my part I can now cut to the fraction of a millimeter even without bothering to go to the special “pro alignment” process. I use the edge of the crumb tray to set my vertical and can thus keep the same x value when I move the material and can match the “Y” component very easily.
If you cannot do this it is unlikely to be the machine if it does not have a discoverable problem. The PG materials are largely to allow new users to have a minimum of problems without all the issues you have discovered using unknown sources, I have discovered that even with everything correct a long strait cut will cut deeper than a tight curly one as this is an improvement over the early times when the power did not vary with speed (and tight curly lines cannot reach the same speed as on straight aways) and the result that every corner was burned through and often a bit of a mess.
You do need to understand the nuances if you would use the machine and get the best results, but this is true of almost anything.
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