3D Led Lamps for the KIDS

Thanks, I was having terminology issues. When I searched for “LED Stand” I wasn’t getting what I wanted.

90% of the Internet is figuring out what the right search term is. :rofl:


:flushed: Woah!

Quite a selection! I really like the last one with the couple. Beautiful!

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Looks great! Howd you manage to get the light to travel up the image so well? Thats where i always struggle with these

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Where did you find the bottom illuminated stands? (All of second row)

The OP included a link to Amazon in the fourth post down from the original created 3 years ago.

How wide is the slot in yours? Or how wide is the bottom of your acrylic pieces?

3D BASES.pdf (319.3 KB)

Here are just about all the 3D bases out there to fit the lamps in Amazon plus the size of the acrylic 15x20cm to fit in the original box recommended for a 3D lamp.

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:astonished: woah that shipping! I’ll make them mysef…wow

Hate to be the one but … which settings do you recommend to achieve light thru? On my first test I thought the issue was about the level of “detail” or “engaved” areas too close to each other but you clearly show this is not the issue!!

All of those bases you can find them in AMAZON.

One of the ways to mitigate this is to create a gradient over the image that gets increasingly darker the further away from the light source you get. If you engrave in halfway at the bottom, the further away directly above it will be significantly darker as the light has already been released. So the further from the base you go(or any light source- I once did a framed sign so anything more towards the middle), needs to be progressively deeper into the acrylic so I has its own beam of light to release.
I will confess, I knew this and forgot it when I made my On Air sign, but the 360* led strip lighting helps to hide this fact.

(Also-settings talk is verboten aside from the preset PG settings except in the #beyond-the-manual section. There’s some talk about settings for these and acrylic all over in that section. Had to use some of them myself as I was using acrylic thinker than the base cutout but someone had settings to plane it to a thinner thickness with the laser.)