50$ a month for premium?

THIS…Feels so true. Although I was about a year, maybe two years later than all of the people who I call “Glowforge Fam” (that crew that has been here since the beginning of time, the ones who rush to AAALLLLLLLLLLL of the newbie’s beck and call, turn things around for Glowforge on receiving a return, answers questions in the middle of the night, instead of going to bed- instead grab a cup of Joe and stay up through the night/nights to help GF’s customers because they can’t, the ones who were there AT ALL TIMES) even though I don’t deserve to be on that list in no way shape or form, THEY ATLEAST deserve to have this on their sleeve at no cost. Hell, I feel like everyone should receive it that had GF before the Premium was brought to the table. But I definitely feel that those GF fams should definitely have it. They deserve it. They stopped me from returning my GF, and at least two more that I could name by screen name. But I was in route, full throttle. And they came along, grabbed me by the hand, wiped my tears, and patted me on the butt, made me feel like there was some hope. After realizing I did not have a customer care team to turn to when all else failed. Even if they couldn’t help, they damn sure didn’t stop until there was some sort of progress. I feel it deep down in my heart that THEY should never be charged that charge. I mean, Does GF fail to realize how much of a staple they are to their product? It is VERY important for most customers, to have someone to make contact w/ by phone, the very second that issues arise, and reality sinks in, that the advertisement they viewed, did not feel anything like “with a touch of a button”. It is very important to have at least someone available for direct customer support. Especially in the price range that the GF is in.

Even though I don’t consider myself anywhere near that list, in fact, I still consider myself a newbie, but even though I don’t feel anywhere near that list-- I feel like I am being robbed by having to pay that! For four days straight I couldn’t even lay a design down on my GFUI w/o having to use my arrow keys because the GFUI was so jittery & so shaky, then -oh-my-GOSH, waiting for my design to load was like dying a painful & slow death, which I was told by GF support that it was my internet connection. Funny how my husband signed up to pay that Premium, ALL OF THAT IMMEDIATELY CAME TO A HALT! The very second I was signed up w/ Premium! All the jitters were completely gone. In fact, it hasn’t jittered since! I already have to pay AI subscription. If I hadn’t received a code to get the Premium discount that I received, I would most likely be posting a GF up for sale. I vowed that I would be upgrading about a year or so earlier with a BOSS, but that would have happened now if I wouldn’t have received an email w/ a disco code.

So, if I feel that way, I can ONLY IMAGINE how those who were GF’s lifesavers for oh so long feel. I know if I were one of those I would feel completely stabbed!

I bought this machine because it was advertised to be as simple as pushing a button. If I didn’t have my GF, none of the shenanigans I am involved in would be occurring. So, for that, I am VERY grateful. Do not get me wrong, I LOVE MY GLOWFORGE. With every ounce of life inside of me. But this Premium has too, put a bad taste in my mouth. I actually REFUSED to pay it. It was my husband (who I am assuming desperately sent GF customer support an email, begging for a code because I thought I was on a trial membership through all of November, & for some reason I thought that I was already somehow accidentally signed up because most trials don’t start until you actually sign up and agree that once the trial ends you will be charged, so I thought I had already unknowingly done so and planned on canceling on the last day of November) it was him who signed me up for the Premium in an underhanded manner. Once I saw WHAT A DIFFERENCE it made, I knew without a doubt that I had NO CHOICE but to keep it. Either that or walk away from GF. And have a much sooner than a comfortable upgrade. Along with a hell of long downtime for me, business-wise, in order to learn that machine.
I am with @sussudio6 they should start low. And then when GFUI is WORTH $50 a month based when it is a lot more advanced, THEN, charge $50 a month. To me, even $17 a month is not WORTH it. But there is no choice in the matter. I HAVE TO HAVE THE PREMIUM. There is no OPTION. It is impossible for me as a business owner. I am barely a business owner after all this other mess going on in the world. Paying that Premium was a “kick me while I’m down” kind of blow. I wouldn’t have been able to afford it under my business. It would have either had to come out of my pocket or my husband’s. Even he knew it and he knows NOTHING about anything on this side of the warehouse, and even he knew it was damn near impossible to keep fighting with “the basic” user face with the bouncing and jittering and waiting SO LONG for one tiny design to upload. He knows NOTHING about GF, GFUI, any designing software, and he could see the difference just by glancing at the GFUI before --while I was cussing ready to pull my hair out–and glancing at the GFUI after he snuck in here and paid for the Premium himself. Just by GLANCING, he saw the difference in the performance of the GFUI basic and Premium.
Honestly, I was ticked off that he went and gave in to it. And at the same time thankful.

That's just my feelings on the situation. I didn't buy this thing thinking or knowing that I would have a monthly subscription that would need to be paid. Nor was it ever even mentioned. Not anywhere that I have been or read at least. If I did know about it before I purchased my GF, I probably would not have purchased this machine.

They covered that in a post by @dan, that a la carte doesn’t make financial sense from a software development standpoint. If they really wanted to support small features like this they could do it like inventables does with easel for the x-carve and allow third parties to built the small add-ons rather than make them themselves. But that’s not their model (we would likely have way more features if they did). Also the problem with a la carte is it basically takes the same amount of money to maintain a dev platform/team. So making some tiny $1/month feature and then spending $10m for the team to exist, means you spend a lot for little revenue. And the effort will rapidly become uncoordinated. Then to incentivize these teams, companies implement a you-eat-what-you-hunt model, which discourages collaboration and coordination. So let’s image you have a $2 feature and there are 100,000 Glowforges out there (making that up) so $200,000 worth of revenue is enough to maintain one high-end dev or a dev and a devops person. By having a single dev group you can move resources around as needed (without stealing from someone’s revenue incentive) and everyone is pulling together.

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This sickens me…the amount of money we’ve put out for this machine!!! I am not an artist by any means. I have extreme difficulty with inkscape and all those other design programs. So, when glow forge had designs and fonts I could use, I was able to do some things. Now, I have a completely useless $3000 device!!! They took away everything!!! Thanks Glowforge, for looking out for the needs of your customers!!


Had my GF machine for 3 years and the trial Premium features were only available for about 2 months of that. Have never needed or used the Premium features for anything. You must have purchased recently while the trial was occurring. Never been a fan of how the company communicates or provides support, but honestly no matter how tech challenged you are basic Inkscape features equivalent to the Premium editing capabilities take about 20 minutes to learn with someone holding your hand and more likely 3 hours by yourself watchin Youtube. Open the Inkscape program, draw a circle, save, upload to the GF, Print. Next learn something else simple and do the same. One step at a time. Just ignore the million advanced features and learn them if needed. Give yourself some credit.


This. Inkscape, Illustrator, etc. are huge programs that are inherently designed to cover a lot of different job roles; 99% of what the program can do is not needed for most folks designing for a laser.

I’ve used Illustrator and Photoshop for about 20 years now. There are still a number of functions in either program that I’ve never touched.


That’s a bit scary hearing about issues without the Premium. I was considering it but Personal issues came up and suddenly the date was gone. I was unable to use my Glowforge until 2 days ago and they threw me on trial again. So haven’t experienced the issues yet. And I totally agree that the people on this forum are Awesome. They are so willing to share knowledge and even designs .

I know that the owners of Glowforge sent out an email about how so many more have signed up then imagined. Yet still sent me a half off code. I wonder how many are former owners afraid to have issues like you had. I know I am. Issues like this could force many members into getting the Premium which I think total BS. How many New owners after their trial will really pay out $50 a month? What with the Holiday I imagine a lot of new owners will be out there. I understand a company has to invest to grow. But even with their announcement of a supposedly unexpected number of signups how long it will last for them. I’ve been in business over 42 years. I see a hole that they may have trouble digging themselves out off. I’ve seen too many make this type of decision of overcharging then eventually fail. The best advice I was given starting out my own was charge less then raise prices if things work well. Have a tier with price levels. But if you charge high at the start then are forced to lower prices when your business is suffering it is too late. And if new people refuse to pay the $50 and their Expensive machine has issues with connections ( and yet GF Promised no issues already on Basic) their are going to be a Lot of upset owners out there.

I’m not discounting the experience you had, but it was either a coincidence or an unintended side effect (e.g. switching subscriptions might have caused a cache clear). Premium does not make the software work more smoothly.


I’m sorry, what? They’ve taken nothing away (well. OK snapmarks, but given you not knowing other design packages, I don’t imagine you based your life around snapmarks) from the machine you purchased. Hardly useless. It’s like a new model of car comes out, the old ones might not have the new features, but the old one still works exactly the same.


If you say so…

Thanks much appreciated…and thanks for not minimizing my feelings!

Welcome to the show nubeginnings!

this is true

Ha, I like that the show!

@henryhbk Thanks for the clear response, I agree it may not make financial sense from a software development standpoint, but for example to Premium Feature of creating an outline may arguably be a feature which should be included with the machine (similar to the trace feature). I understand and agree everyone should make money and that fine-- but what software support is really required for Creating an outline or fonts? There should not be an ongoing workload or expense for @dan 's team.

Outlining a bitmap is actually quite a complex operation (there are talks at SIGGRAPH on just that topic). Adobe spends a lot of effort working on their outline selector. Admittedly fonts are a more solved problem, but cracking truetype fonts (i.e. quadratic curves) is non-trivial either. The killer for all of this is ongoing maintenance. For instance Google is constantly updating the cloud APIs and that means someone at GF has to keep testing and updating to make sure it doesn’t break. Software maintenance is a complex and thankless task (Disclosure: I work at IBM, one of the largest software companies in the world, and maintenance is often the cause of sunsetting a product where the costs to keep it up to date exceed any revenue.


If I want to paint a picture, I need the tools and supplies to do so… paint, canvas, brushes, etc. And if I don’t know how to paint, then I must take the steps to start developing that skill. The GF is no different, it is a tool (my paintbrush. I then had to buy the software to create my designs. That came with the need to learn to use the software. I’m not creative so I had to research other designs and develop my own. If I had bought a laser from one of the many other brands available, I would not have gotten the items in the premium service, I would have had to get the software on my own to do it either freeware or for a price.


Man o Man i agree that the people at GF have become greedy. They have a great product but i guess that its not enough. Instead GF is like all the other money grubbing bandits in this world today. Well i guess its garbage servers or a minimum of 14.99 per month. Thanks GF. We actually promoted GF to several friends… PS now i find out that the 14.99 deal was just for a short time and now you have to purchase prior to end of December at 24.99/mo or who knows what the 50/mo or else… Wow…

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Welcome to the forum.
In my experience, the servers are not garbage and they are not money grubbing bandits.


If you posted the same words about anyone else on this forum I’d flag it, because your post violates forum rules. But Glowforge doesn’t stop people from talking trash about THEM, so I’ll have to settle for muting your posts in my own profile instead.


I agree, this is ridiculous… allow us to use it for all that time and try to jack us for 50!!! Wow.

Pure greed I say, and you can see I was a very active user of the product too… That is CRAZY for what we are getting! They are taking the tools they placed in folks hands away and charging a ransom for them returned! My daughter loved using the preview things for months now… boom 50 a month!? Wow glowforge… reminds me of a few other companies and the directions they went.

Very sad. I have been responsible for 3 of these being purchased by local makerspaces I am on the board of and I will not be recommending them again.

I’m not saying I want it for free but come on… And for all of you clowns fanboying it up and fighting us on this go ahead, I’m not signing in here anymore anyway.