50$ a month for premium?

Gee thanks for your wisdom Doc. Yeah Cancer isn’t “most” so it clearly isn’t really a problem either? As the primary Marketers for their product it’s fine to fight for your spiff but that doesn’t mean it’s correct. Nor that others must agree with you.

Actually, the Chinese “knockoff” design existed long before Glowforge. I think you’re forgetting who copied from whom.

Ah, okay. So, a Glowforge is “expensive” in the same sense that a Hyundai Sonata is expensive compared to a Trabant. Got it.

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Thanks for reviving the automotive analogy.

A Glowforge costs literally 10 times what a functionally equivalent Chinese laser costs. Somewhere in that price tag, the fine business people at GF should have figured out how to amortize the cost of providing cloud services over the short operational lifetime of the laser tube. You asked, I answered.

You know, I logged into this board for the first time in what feels like months to see what’s new, and I see the same discussion still going on that made me walk away then, and the same handful of fanbois up here telling everybody else that we’re wrong.

The fact you’re all still having this discussion should tell you something.

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I am honestly interested in what other lasers are on the market. I was aware of the cheap Chinese lasers. I think we may have different definitions of “functionally equivalent” here, though.

This conversation is just a tiny corner of the Glowforge forum and, I am a lot more interested in other things. I haven’t been participating in this discussion since my one serious comment back in November. I responded because you tagged me in your reply.

Just like the Trabant is functionally equivalent to a BMW or Lexus. They both get you from point a to b.

Having started with a K40 years ago & having used others far more expensive than a Glowforge. The auto analogy is quite correct. A K40 is certainly not functionally equivalent beyond the fact it uses a laser beam to cut things. In every other way it falls far short. That’s why there’s so much activity in modding forums for Cheap Chinese Lasers.

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Still see the dead horse is still getting beaten…

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Different day, different folks who think they’re the first to uncover some new “truth” but lack the real experience that puts the lie to their presuppositions.


I tried logging ke a month ago to delete this thread but I don’t have the rights. I just posted out of frustration. I still think $50 a month is insane, but I didn’t think this post would blownup like this.

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Well it’s winter, people stuck at home and the internet :slightly_smiling_face:

On motorcycle forums the arguments about oil all blow up this time of year :grin:


Thank you!

I don’t see the link but last I looked the offer was available through the end of the year.

I have used K40s for years before I ever owned a Glowforge. Both are 40-watt CO2 lasers, and both can handle the same materials, same thicknesses, same dimensions. They certainly do not contain the same electronics, but the effective output and lifetime of a sub-$400 K40 is equivalent to that of a Glowforge.

I mentioned the K40 because the prevailing argument here seems to be that the Glowforge is incredibly inexpensive and therefore customers should be happy with buggy cloudware and 48-hour support response times while they expand their software team to add features and content that most of us don’t need.

Sorry to beat a dead horse. Seems like this topic is always on the front page every time I come back here. Obviously there is something lacking in the company’s messaging about this new product offering.

Have fun engraving coasters for your etsy shop. I’m outta here.

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How long have you owned your Tesla? We have owned Teslas for 4 years. 2016, 2018, 2019 — the 2016 was traded in for a 2019.

Tesla did the same thing. When I ordered my Model 3 there was nothing on the website when I ordered saying that my premium connectivity features would expire in one year and I would have to pay a monthly subscription if I wanted the feature. Without paying the monthly subscription I lose:

Yes if I want my Tesla to go faster, I have to provide a credit card and $2K and they will software push that. Also not advertised when I bought my car.

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If not you, someone else would have posted…

You had the option to Buy a Tesla Performance and if you want you can order upgrade it later. Mind you not Rent it monthly but OWN it. Seems like a fair option if you want it. I find the Performance is great as is the FSD. Imagine if you could software Own update from a Glowforge basic to a Pro. One time purchase.

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I think this horse is dead…



Hey! That picture looks like me when I seen what you get for a mere $50 per month Premium to own charge! Well done!

If that’s what you think of yourself, sorry… :man_facepalming:

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Funny guy so creative. Edited for Feelings…lol