We will definitely ask for permission if we choose to showcase anyone’s submission
This was one of my first engraved wallets with glowforge. I drew this on the ipad, engraved it on some leather, and hand painted using feibings dye and Angelus paint.
I also made my wife a wallet for valentines day.
I made this name sign for my 4 year old nephew Daniel who likes all things construction related. The sign is made of maple plywood and acrylic. I used duct tape markers for color. It hangs in his bedroom.
So many of my projects have been gifts for others and while the personalized Christmas gifts for neighbors was a hit, this gift for a friends new she-shed wood workshop was fun to make. Better yet she LOVED it! This signed measures about 18” tall, made on a Basic.
Oh my gosh this would be super cute way to disguise in home cameras!
I started to leave the thread because I just haven’t made much that can even begin to compete with some of the stuff coming from this community. But I DID make something that I at least feel kind of proud of. And anyone that’s been around a while has probably already seen it… But here it goes.
Gingerbread Clock based on 1880 model.
I have had a thing for gingerbread clocks (google em) for quite some time and I had an 1880 model that I used for parts for an 1887 model I have on my mantle. I disassembled it, measured it, modified it to fit the glowforge bed (had to split the faee into multiple pieces for instance) and to accomodate modern movments and add an accessible back plate with magnets. I 3D printed the bezel, designed and printed the clock face to appear vintage, used an amazon acquired movement with pendulum, and used molding from home depot attached to the box base to give it the classic look. Everything else was done on the glowforge. Basically all of the thin wood work, engraving, acrylic door panel…
And finally…
So many cool gifts on this list. I love them all. I’m torn between favorite and most meaningful. If I had to go with favorite, it’s the beginner’s shogi board I designed so my dad could play Japanese chess with my son without a huge learning curve.
But as far as the most well received gift, that was an anniversary gift I made for my old neighbors/friends. I used a combination of Glowforge and sublimation. I sublimated the picture they sent me on to proofgrade frosted acrylic.
At the end of 2020, a few months after gifting them the lamp, which they kept in their living room, my friend passed away from cancer. The lamp is still being used, but now as a happy reminder of the time they had together.
yeah, i had to pick between two as well. monopoly and the very first guitar i did (maximo with the engraved pickguard).
This is INCREDIBLE! Bravo!
Love those colors!
I just adore this octopus!! The colors, the movement - it’s perfect!
there are not gifts, and they are from an etsy ‘template’ so I am not sure they qualify, but I love them!
That’s fabulous I have many SW geek friends and there would be fighting!
My favorite Glowforge gift was this tongue-in-cheek emergency box, made for an author who had just received a scathing one-star review on her book for its “salty language”.
OMG that’s hilarious! I’m so glad for this contest so I got to see that!!!
Salty language indeed
Mine has to be hands down the edgelit sign I made for the employees of our local AMC Movie Theatre as the restrictions following the shut down of all of our theatres due to COVID were beginning to be lifted. The theatre that I “grew up with”, my children “grew up with”, my husband and I had most of our dates at this theatre (dinner & a movie) and now I work for the company (I never dreamed I would work there as a child).
The employees did an amazing job on all the extra work put on them to clean and sanitize everything in the theatre. I work in the home office in IT and so I know they were working hard to bring us all back to the movies. It was amazing the day we walked in to the smell of popcorn popping, looking around at the theatre I had missed visiting, and seeing all the smiling “eyes” (as everyone was masked) as we all walked in. We were asked to bring a thank you card when we came for a screening for employees; but I thought I wanted to give a gift from the heart from our family and made this for the theatre…
type or paste code here
I love movie theatre popcorn so much that we bring some home after the movie and fill up a couple of big mason jars & suck the air out so we can have fresh tasting popcorn later. ;-)
That is hilarious!
“Sanity is a matter of perception”.
“I’m not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.” - Cheshire cat, Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll.
You’re dad is Norman Schwarzkopf? Wow!
(For those too young to know, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf was Commanding General of U.S. military forces during DESERT STORM)
Cool! Where did you find the Gallifreyn?