I had a mental image prior to this which was (now that I think about it) impossible. I imagined the air drawn straight down into the filter which rests under the glowforge.
But, since you can freely remove the filter, and the glowforge is relatively air tight without the filter on… there cannot be holes under the forge to send air straight to the filter.
The only way it can possibly connect is by having a small adapter/connector which attaches to the normal dryer-vent connection, does a quick double-90 degree flip around, and then has everything in to the filter.
The down side of this is… the wear on the filter will be uneven. Most of the contamination should wind up depositing right at the entrance to the filter, rather than being semi-evently spread out.
Hopefully my image of the outlet from the filter being distributed all around is ALSO in error. Having a single outlet on the far opposite end of the filter would mean you can have quite a few layers through which the air passes. This would mean you can gradually reduce the filter size, and help prevent clogging for a fair bit longer than otherwise. As well as remove a TON of the smell/particulates.