Bed Size vs Cutting Dims - lots of wasted material

I’d recommend you actually do a cost analysis here (if you haven’t already) to see how much money you’re talking about. When I did it, I realized I was getting riled about literal pennies. There is a definite breakpoint where its just not worth the hassle.

Of course the cost per square inch of material can vary widely, but even the high end of my costs was still really low.

Take baltic birch plywood, which I get for about $9 for a 5’x5’ piece. That works out to a quarter penny per square inch. So if I lose a 2" x 12" strip, that’s only 6 cents (!).

Now lets go with a higher end material: 1/8" cast acrylic from estreet, 12x24" for $6.35. That’s 2.2 cents per square inch. Losing that 2x12 strip is only about fifty cents.

Heck losing that entire 12x4" strip is still under a dollar. (of course that’s a nice scrap and can be used on other stuff, so that’s not a true loss.)