Wow. This is a great project. We’ll done
Really dig the concept and thought process here. Love the snap lock! Cool
Great project Josh!
Would it be helpful to radius the corners of the bottom and tray? Just removes the sharp corner and may help when removing or inserting a single holder from a tightly bunched group in drawer.
Thank you so much for sharing your work as you test the GF and being willing to listen to all of us talk about your projects as we long to see our machines.
Another outstanding job. Not only in the design and implementation, but the detail in guiding us all through the process. Thank you.
Great work
Stay strong. Fight the temptation.
But a darn nice solution nevertheless.
I really love the use of snap locks and your lobed sides to get a better fit.
Similar for router bits, but the business end is often enough way bigger than the shank (take a look at panel-raising or lock-miter bits). So I want to figure out a storage mechanism that lets me get to the shank without having to navigate around/under the business end to do it…
Idea. arbitrary length of 2x4, plunge each router bit deep enough that the business end is below flush with the top, add a screw (that doesn’t stick through the other end and is magnetic) on each side of your new storage container. to keep them from falling out, glue magnets to a paint stirrer the length of the screws, and just pull your handy dandy cap off every time you want a bit. i did this with some of the bits I use the most, so that even if I pull them out of the chuck on my hand drill, I never leave them lying around and accidentally lose them. except without the magnets. I haven’t gotten around to doing that part yet
I have also been looking at my workbench trying to figure out how i can clean it up with some custom tool stands.
If you haven’t watched the tested video where Adam shows off his custom tool stands its worth a view.
Ok, so I won’t bother organizing my tools until I get a Glowforge. Why waste time when I’ll make some awesome bespoke holders for each of them.
If by composing you mean shoving all the crap out of the way to expose a horizontal surface, then yes.
@Just-Maken-It That is a great idea, and will now be incorporated into the next version, thanks!
Think of the scene in a movie where they carry in a wounded person and need a place to put him down.
Arm across the table and wipe!
Are the lobes on the trays used to store them from a hanging slot or rail???
I think if I did that I’d take out the dog and one or two of my cats…
I love how all of these projects are so practical and useful. Not how my brain works, so it’s interesting to see things I never would even think to make.
I have been thinking about that glorious day when everyone on here has their own Glowforge, and there are potentially hundreds of projects being shown off here every week - endless inspiration for innumerable creative applications we hadn’t even imagined!
Unless of course we are all so busy playing with our Glowforges that we all start ignoring the forum completely…
Even with his custom tool storage solutions he’s still got piles of stuff on every horizontal surface in the shop
Gotta do something while the laser is lasing…might as well check in on the forum