Caprinometer 2000

The only part that needs to sense the impact is the accelerometer, right? Why not have that be a separate part that you can epoxy right into a small hole drilled in the horn? They make really small ones.

The farmer might wonder why all his goats have wires coming out of their horns, but you’ll be long gone by then :slight_smile:


a range of 200g +/-

200gs! The goat’s gone plaid!


I actually know some guys who have a start up doing that… putting them into mouth guards actually.

wow that is really a nifty idea.

Can this measure my goat’s acceleration?


“The farmer” is my CIO, so no…


Well now I know what to finish my Christmas list with. Let the goat measuring begin!

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as long as you don’t mind cleaning up goat poop from the leather…

If a goat poops on my leather, I’m having goat for dinner. :goat::shallow_pan_of_food:

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You continue to amaze and entertain !!

I have a friend who works at Wildlife Computers here in Redmond. They build all sorts of R&D tags for tagging wildlife.

My favorite story involves getting a data tag off a seal. Apparently seals are really intelligent animals, and once you tranquilize one to get a tag on it, it basically gets very, very shy, and won’t ever let another human approach it again. So the tag had to withstand being in an amphibious, sub freezing salt water environment for up to a year, but also releasable on command for data capture.

Someone suggested pyrotechnics, which … is obviously kinda problematic if you care about the health of the seal. Eventually they found an electro-release epoxy - that would dissolve the epoxy once enough electric current flowed through it. They made the housing of the data logger out of glass bead encapsulated in epoxy (so it’s always buoyant, and strong as hell), and glued the housing down into the part that gets tagged onto the Seal with a strong spring in between. At the end of the study a radio signal activates the release mechanism and the data buoy pops loose.

On the other extreme, they made tags for whales - attached to the end of a foot long harpoon barb. The whale doesn’t even feel a thing when that’s shot into the animal.

-=- Terence


This. Is. Awesome!

Ummm, no. If he had, then you wouldn’t have had the cool laser to make the housing and you’d be looking at Dan’s Dynamic Goatster 3000 D.A.D (data acquisition device) which would have had replaceable heads for an accelerometer or flow analysis unit (sometimes you need to know how much a goat is peeing) or SWAT head (solid waste analysis tracker) or any of a dozen other swappable heads for goat monitoring.


I’m feeling a little bereft. :smile:

If Dan had gone with the Dynamic Goatster 3000 D.A.D. at least when UPS mangled a delivery the goat could give the guy his due. And the force of the response to the delivery would be recorded - the better to figure out the exact amount of head-butt to correct the delivery procedures.


Not sure what the average life span of a goat is, but given @dan-timelines the goat could be elderly by the time the DG 3000 arrived…


No idea about goats, but Highland cattle can go at least twenty years. My friend’s dad asked her if she knew the lifespan of Highland cattle and she replied, they’re beef cattle no one knows. You’re two will be the record setters.

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According to google 15 years… Which even with current delays might be a bit extreme… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This is where a goatack tracker would come in handy.