Copernican Planetary Orrery

Totally awesome!!!


What a great build! I really like the zodiac images on the sides.

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Holy Universe! This is cool!

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Not one to leave well-enough alone, I really wanted to light the sun in my orrery.

I struggled for some time with trying to find the correct approach to things, but finallty solved it with an inexpensive automotive LED bulb soldered to wires rising up a 5/32 brass tube (instead of the 5/32 rod that the plans call for) at the center of the planet gear stack.

Anyway, thought people might like to see how it came out. Nine pictures attached should tell the story.



“Let there be LIGHT”… Beautiful work - the illuminated sun really makes it as well !! Nice !


Oh, NICE! That makes it at least 10x better than it already was. :slight_smile:


Thank you, so much! Not sure it’s that incredible, but I’m thrilled with it. It brings it into the ballpark of my inspiration piece:

“Joseph Wright of Derby , A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery (in which a lamp is put in place of the sun), c. 1763-65”

The scientist in the painting (known as “Natural Philosophers” back at the time) is reputed to be none other than Isaac Newton.

My “lamp” is an automotive LED, but hey, times change.


This has got to be one of the cooler things made with a GF. Something this time consuming must have been really rewarding when you were finished with it. Thanks for sharing some light! :flashlight: (pun definitely intended)

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