Cut Shapes Template

You’re a genius. thank you!

Arghhh. I hate to expose my ignorance, but how do I download this file?

Simple - right click on the image and select “save as”. Different browsers have slightly different names, but that’s the idea.

You do realize basic shapes are now built-in to the UI? At least for a trial period?


…now I do!!

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I hope they will be adding more shapes to this feature, this is great.

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If you use the search box there are a lot more shapes in there!

and the ones they offer there can be modified by clicking the “link” icon - then circles can become ovals, and squares rectangles.



Thank you for the info.

anyone figure out how to use the shape file to make a rectangle?

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This is covered two posts above yours.

Bumping this, as with the most recent developments, a few people might find it useful.

Happy Wednesday!

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Great bump - I’ve never actually used the beta shapes because I’ve long since had a file just like this at the ready :slight_smile:


So helpful. Thank you for this posting.

This is so helpful! I just need to cut craft sticks in half for my jr high architecture class! The straight cutline rocks!! You made my day

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Thank you so much! I have literally been looking everywhere for this!