Desktop CNC machines

I’m going to see Zach this weekend. He still hasn’t shipped my Carvey yet. :wink:

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Heard they had nighmares with UPS damage but things are finally arriving un-bent.

That is awesome work. Very nice finish and attention to detail!

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I’m still waiting for more info from these guys, Shaper

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Did anyone get in on the Pcocket CNC kickstarter?

Thank you, I appreciate that.

I just saw the Applied Science guy, Ben, show off the Shaper. Holy cow, we live in the future! That thing is awesome.


Thanks for posting this! It really helped show the capabilities of the Shaper - and got me wanting one.


That is one fine tool!
A hand-held CNC device. That’s some serious innovation.

that looks fantastic. It’s like a shopbot with a gimbal! I I’ll put this on my christmas list for 2020… to accompany the Glowforge creations.

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I have one application for this cool tool: routing the insert slots on the top of home made router, drill press and band saw tables, Seems like the setup routine makes it fairly efficient instead of having to set up a template for routing out by hand. Can’t say as to efficiency for a regular CNC, but from what I understand with the clamping, and positioning, and computing, there is a lot of work for a small hole. Nifty.


I’ve have been using a carvewright CNC for many years. The software is easy to use and the gantry style allows for me to carve things 14’ inches by almost unlimited length (if supported correctly). It also has a rotary jig so I can do cylindrical carving as well. Great machine that has been around for a long time with a solid design. My one disappointment is that it doesn’t have built in dust collection. I made my own - but for the large amount of fine sawdust it generates it should really have dust collection built in.