Does anyone know of a way to make marks on fabric with something akin to Cermark?

You can do that with denim as is. It doesn’t look scorched, it comes out white.

From a quick google search, it looks like people have done it with shirts as well. Not sure what the results will be, you may have to experiment.


Great info, thanks! Can’t wait.

That’s super cool! Looks like I’ll be throwing my jeans in the Glowforge as soon as I get it.

Here’s a product I’d like to try with the Forge. I have used it for sun prints in the past. Pretty neat concept and may be just what you sure looking for. I don’t know if residual light from the laser would over expose other areas, or even if the speed you’d need to avoid cutting would even properly expose the dye. Can’t wait to try it.

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Those photo emulsions respond to light in the UV part of the spectrum.
Since the CO2 laser is at the far other end, I think you will find yourself cutting your fabrics into little pieces instead of exposing them.
Not trying to dissuade you from experimenting, but it is worth knowing how it all works to avoid wasting money.

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So let’s develop an emulsion that is sensitive to longer wave radiation. Embed it in silkscreen material and we’ve got a sellable product for screen printers. (No doubt, it’s already been done.)


Go for it!
There is some major chemistry involved, but I bet someone here is up to the task!

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There are lots of IR films, but they’re typically way too sensitive. I wonder if you could do something with encapsulated dye, where the laser would burst the capsules and then the rest could be washed off.

Or heat-set dyes. Hmm.

Or heat-set dyes. Hmm.

This product description implies that the ink can be washed out if it hasn’t been on the garment more than 15 minutes. So, apply ink, laser, wash?

Seems like there must be something out there…


The heats set route sounds promising, but given the amount of power in a 40-45W laser beam the challenge may be dialing back enough not to destroy the ink altogether!
Kind of like the difference between a soldering iron and an oxy-acetylene torch.


If ever there were a case for automated defocusing. You’re not going to get the kind of resolution on fabric anyway, so might as well spread the beam.


Hey how about this stuff?

Laser Flex at

It looks like a great option for a single color operation. I suppose more if you line it up for another pass.


Oh my! I have never seen this. I will be picking some of it up for heat transfer shirt designs that are too intricate to weed without going cross eyed. Thanks for the link!


ZOMG. That Laser Flex material changes everything. Excellent link, thank you! I’ve been doing shirts for a year or so with a vinyl cutter and you are absolutely resolution-limited.

Now, I really wish I had my GF.


Glad to help.

It was a good find for me too.:grin:

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

My eyes also Thank you. Cost is more, but no more tiny weeding! Won’t replace regular Heat Transfer Vinyl on my cutter, but a great complement to it. Now I can do just about any design. With the Forge’s camera, a lot of the image prep work shown in their video should also be streamlined.

I’ve been on the Laser Bits site many times and don’t know how I missed this.

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Here’s another source: CAD-CUT Thermo-FILM Heat Transfer Vinyl | Stahls’. It’s polyurethane based.

And a video on its use in a laser cutter:


Yeah, I don’t see this replacing my vinyl cutter but, rather, allowing me to cut designs that I couldn’t do practically on the vinyl cutter. I have had to outsource to someone for direct-to-garment for some designs that would have been impossible to weed that I may now (once the GF arrives) be able to do in-house.


I just found time to finish watching that video. It got a lot of ideas flowing in my head. The alignment notches were great. I loved the raster ablation of the car photo at 14:20 and 29:14. I did an antique truck design kind of like that last summer and really had to simplify the design so I could cut it on the vinyl cutter. It will be great to leave all the detail in.


I watched the video last night also and picked up a lot of ideas. Happy to know that regular HTV is laserable and that it can be rastered for fine detail. I’ve used notches for centering. My biggest time drain in making shirts is worrying about alignment. I’ve never thought about die cuts for internal parts to minimize weeding. Will start laying out cuts for that with my Silhouette and my Forge when it arrives.

Thanks to @cynd11 for the video referral.