@ryan_haskell Here’s a full view photo as requested! Appreciate the compliment, especially on an upcycled project: leftover scraps from an upholstery project, broken leather purse and discarded leather belt. Unearthing a treasure from forgotten items is my favorite use for my beloved glowforge.
Thanks! I’m adding this to my “awesome GF projects to make” list.
This is absolutely beautiful! I just got my glowforge yesterday and have been playing with it all day! I was wondering if you could tell me the settings you used to engrave the fabric? Thanks so much!
Thank you! Can’t wait to try this!!
Great apron!
Glowforge requires us to confine discussion of manual settings in their forums to the Beyond the Manual category. The current preferred practice is to either move the entire thread to Beyond the Manual or, to start a new thread there and, link to it from this one.
Let me know if you would prefer the later and, I will move this thread back to Made on a Glowforge.
My apologies! This was my first time posting so I was not aware of the guidelines. I deleted the post with the settings. Will that suffice?
No worries. Most people miss that rule at first.
I will move this thread back.
I hate that this will deprive others of your settings. Please consider posting them separately in Beyond the Manual.
Thanks again for sharing your project!
Hh this is wonderful! I got some duckcloth to cut and engrave, so now I know what it might look like! Which settings did you use?
@mercecarroll , let me 2nd that suggestion that you post your settings in the Beyond the Manual category! Thanks!
I hope you post settings in beyond also
I can’t seem to find your settings listed for engraving duck cloth and would really love to try this-can you provide that or point me to them? Thanks so much!
I used a height of .015, speed 1000, power 20%, 1 pass. Have fun!
20%…is that on a basic or a pro? And do yo by chance remember the name or any other info from the fabric? This color combo is EXACTLY my friends spa colors & I would love to gift her something!
@Pepper it’s 20% on a basic. With regards to the fabric, I just got it at my local Joann Fabrics and I believe I asked the clerk to show me the Duck Cloth. Hopefully this helps.
Sadly, still the rule that you shouldn’t post settings anywhere but Beyond the Manual. You can easily create a post with just your settings and a picture and then link that here - or someone can move this whole post there (but that seems excessive).
FYI, everything 100% and under is matched between Basic/Plus/Pro, the differences only show up at full power
I would have SWORE that I read somewhere that they were different at lower powers, but now that you said that, I’m seeing they’re not. Funny the stuff we “remember”…lol.