Engraving Acrylic without Laquer

Hi! So I live in an apartment and I’m trying to learn how to paint inside engraved acrylic. Everything I’m seeing is saying to use Rustoleum/laquer before painting. I tried outside my window but the scent lingers, and I’d rather not risk my health. Any other suggestions on how to do this without a spray? Thanks!

Acrylic paint, and or resin. but with the resin you wanna make certain you have lots of ventilation.

Ive tried acrylic on its on its own and it bleeds too much. And the resin sounds like it would be the same issue with ventilation, ie. not being able to get that in the apt. :frowning:

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I was able to do so with acrylic nail polish…but it’s definitely fiddly. The joy of spray paint is the ease, but if smell is your greatest worry then give it a shot!

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like you coated the inside of the engrave with acrylic nail polish then waited for it to try, then added acrylic paint? or you actually painted with acrylic nail polish. Sorry, just a bit confused haha.

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Nail polish is just acrylic paint that’s very thick. I’ve used both. On the plus side of the polish is that it comes with it’s own brush. As far as bleeding you are leaving the masking on yes?


Actually painted with acrylic nail polish - tiny 001 brush into the bottle and filled the engraved areas. When I inevitably missed I wiped quickly to get it off (leaving the masking on would have been a better idea).


I did do it with masking on, but still some ended up a little smudged. And after wiping it didnt come off properly. Some of my engravings are supppper thin though so im not sure i can actually do it by hand like that.

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I can maybe give it a shot, but some of my engravings are supppper thin though so im not sure i can actually do it by hand like that. And when i tried to take smudged parts off, it got worse lol


Try your hand painting again on a test piece, with a brush, only really burnish the masking down well before you cut and again after cut/before you paint with something like an old credit card. Leave the masking until your paint is COMPLETELY dry before peeling. See if that helps with the smudging.


I like to use Vintaj paints by ranger to color fill my engraved acrylic. If you leave the masking on when you do it and wipe off any excess before it dries, you get a pretty good result:

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