Etching Tile

Further observations:

  • 1000 Speed, Full Power is just fine.
  • Use a high DPI (450+)
  • Artwork with VERY thin lines gives the highest contrast. If the lines are too fat, you end up wiping away a good deal of the pigment.
  • Black tile with metallic sharpie looks very nice.
  • “Adult Coloring Pages” is a great Google Images search term for finding stuff to etch. :slight_smile:
  • It’s possible to color different parts of the drawing different colors, but you have to be careful when you’re removing the excess sharpie.
  • If you can, remove the sharpie using nothing but a paper towel and a lot of scrubbing. Rubbing alcohol can be used, but it’ll lighten up the lines.

This has been my favorite material to burn so far.