Force Glowforge to use SVG path order from file?

Huh? Seriously though…huh? And, honestly serious…as my husband would say “they’re not talking to you”…and this would apply here. :thinking: :wink: :crazy_face:


I guess this topic veered off course slightly :sweat_smile:

I’m not trying to solve or optimize the Traveling Salesman Problem in general. I am merely trying to optimize the paths for a very domain specific type of design. It seems, though, that it can’t be forced through the SVG or GFUI (w/o making each path it’s own color, which would be completely impractical to configure). So, I might try a couple new approaches to improve the time, but at least I do have the answer to my original question :smile: Thanks, all!

That never happens around here!


Back to your original question - from what I’ve seen , the more I merge individual pieces into a bigger path, the more control I have over order, etc. So while it optimizes between paths, I think once it starts working on a path, it’ll keep going through all the points on it, so 1 solution may be to ‘merge’ as many of the 2-point lines into multiple points of a path. And paths have a 1st point and an end point, so for a regular pattern (say a top-down stair case - 0.5" horz line, 0.25" vert line, repeating 20 times, and then that ‘staircase’ repeated across the width), you could have the first path start at the top, and the 2nd start at the bottom and move up, so that you were encouraging it to choose the next path you want based on end of path1 and start of path2 proximity.

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