Free Art / Book Stand - Personal Use

As we self quarantine, we’re getting a little stir crazy.
So my wife talked me into getting a Switch to pass some time.
I ordered a stand for it.
Amazon is saying April 18th.
The clip on the back isn’t very stable, so as I was sadly considering what I was going to do for the next 2 weeks, it struck me!
It’s so versatile I knew I’d be able to use it for something.
It’s like it was made for this purpose!
Thank you :slight_smile:


Oh that’s AWESOME! I’ll have to print one for hubby!


I’ve been using it for the past couple of days and it’s awesome!
You can even plug it in while it’s in the stand!

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Thank you so much. This is wonderful. I printed a photo for a family that lost their great-grandfather due to Covid19, but was unable to get a photo stand due to the pandemic social distancing issues, and this is perfect.


Thank You!

Thank you!!! :slight_smile:

This stand continues to be crazy useful - but my material varies wildly in thickness, so I developed a version where you can put in your tab/slot cut lines separately from the rest of the cut. With @Janerlea’s permission, here it is for your own personal use :slight_smile:

Stands_V6 adjustable

What’s off the artboard are a number of “standard” thickness cuts, and also some loose lines that you can use the GFUI functions to make your desired width



Took me a while to figure out why you offered so many variations on the same thing. But then I got it, so thank you!


Thank you for sharing this!

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I was planning on designing one of these today to use for a fathers day gift, but decided to check here before I did and low and behold, just the thing I was looking for! Thank you for the file! This will come in very handy!