Glowforge shipping date, beta releases, and bonus materials

Jealous; I can’t get those delivered here in Canada (and I can’t cross the border to pick one up at the post office because I’m working on my immigration paperwork).

lol I appreciate it - I’ll just have to come back tomorrow - I intend to stick with Glowforge for a very long time. I’ll be around.


If you need the money now, I would say pull the cord and get your refund. From what @dan said above, if you wait for shipments to start, you may lose out on more than $400. If you don’t need the money currently, why would you not wait?

I was thinking that there would be some folks who would prefer not to receive leather, and I thought it might have been purposeful that they didn’t mention leather in this section for that reason. [quote=“dan, post:1, topic:1908”]
Wait, no: the best part is that you get $150 worth of assorted hardwoods, veneers, plywood, acrylic, and more, included with your Glowforge at no charge, as a gift for your patience.

However, because I’m interested in leather, I was hoping I could sign up for a trade of other materials with the vegans–they can have my plywood, I’ll take their death-fabric.

(Not dissing vegans, BTW–Love 'em and was an adamant one for 7 years.)


Same. To be honest, I feel like this might be something Dan was keeping under his hat (given his prior comments on the subject) in case they needed a feather to pull out for a delay. Either way, it works; plus, I’ll only have to pay tax and not duty on it this way, which rocks, haha.


Two questions:
1- Shipping Date and Upgrade question: If you choose to upgrade does our machine ship based on the original date we purchased or the date of the upgrade.

2- Other Question: Would it be possible to travel to a Maker Faire in the Chicago Area? I happen to be helping plan one and it would be awesome to get to see the machine in action!!!

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Good point – it’s entirely possible that it won’t be included. I was going off the initial description (“We’ve commissioned custom plywood with laser-safe glue and no internal knots, top quality leather tanned without the use of harmful chemicals, and more”). If it is included and they can handle the logistics of a trade, you’re welcome to mine. :slight_smile:

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It will probably be a sample kit that is the same for everyone. Seems like to big of a logistics thing to pick and choose for everyone.

Who knows, some people may try out a new material and find something that they really love!


Hi @tlazzaro11, Welcome.

To your first question, upgrading does not change your place in line. In fact, you can upgrade up until you send in your shipping address. Sorry, I don’t have the quote offhand, but it was mentioned in the forums.

Vegetarian here. I will gladly trade, and I have nothing against your use of “death-fabric” lol (i’ve never heard it called that before) :wink:
or maybe I will finally cave. Leather work does come out so flipping beautifully


Honestly, crowdfunded projects are a risk and almost never are delivered “on-time”. In my opinion Glowforge didn’t have to, and shouldn’t be expected to offer up freebies at all, because this kind of delay should be expected. I’m extremely happy that they decided to give us a little freebie, but I certainly didn’t expect it, and I don’t feel that it is “owed” to me.


@dan, I have a question about the Proofgrade™ material. When you start selling it, will it be offered to everyone, even people who do not have a Glowforge? Or are you going to exclusively sell it to Glowforge owners?


Thanks joe!

Hoping that the Proofgrade materials are for sale by early to mid-December even if the units haven’t shipped. If they are, I know what I’ll be asking for for Christmas!

Trying not to be so bummed. I started a business last year and have been gimping by with my current machine, just not even sure if sticking around is feasible and it just sucks that this is affecting my own quality and business. … ( trying to quietly ease the tension in my jaw as I type)

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You’re killing me! In that I’m retired with way too much time on my hands --> the GlowForge was inexpensive ‘divorce insurance’. I am inclined to wait it out (OBTW Dec 15 became Jun 16 which for now is Dec 16), but my spouse is doing the ’ I told you so’. Dan, I need to get my hands on a piece of equipment and get my mind re-engaged for the sake of my marriage. I have been volunteering to sweep the floors and do odd jobs at various laser engraving and furniture making shops just to get some experience --> but liability issues get in the way! Help me out brother!


To save your business you would have. Doing nothing, they would have needlessly shed some customers that can easily be bought with trinkets.

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Thank you for the updates. We are a maker space for kids and operate a summer camp as well. We had planned on having the Glowforge in June for a fabrication camp that we are currently writing. We have an XCarve, five 3D printers, and lots of hand tools that we cannot wait to have kids using to build cool things this summer. (Our maker space kids use them daily now.) The Glowforge was going to be one of the tools we shared with kids in the makers clubs and in camp - teaching them as many forms of fabrication as we can think of. You can imagine our disappointment in the delay, but more importantly, we want you to know that we are NOT cancelling - we are waiting for the amazing product that we know you are creating. We will make this summer without the Glowforge, and will have six months to play with it before we use it in summer camp 2017. Obviously we will have that baby up and running with our maker space kids from day one! In fact, last week we shared your website with our clubs and the kids could not believe what they saw! @dan , WE CAN’T WAIT, and yet we will! :grinning:


I am torn now,this is a serious delay on what already has been a very long wait and really just well to put it frankly sucks. I may understand the reasoning behind the change, but it doesn’t make it any less a sour pill to swallow.


It’s the cost of getting those materials to us here in Canada that will be an issue. Weight is calculated as the greater of actual weight and a dimensional calculated weight. It cost me $50 U.S. to have Carbide3D ship me the aluminum baseplate for my Shapeoko 3. That was nearly $100 by the time the courier was through with me, just for the shipping component.