OMG this - I did my first ~large~ thing straight on PG draftboard, and it was SO dirty! The first time the in-line fan couldn’t pull all the smoke - and the first time I wasn’t able to center because the lens was so dirty it couldn’t focus on the logo - and the first time I couldn’t see my project through the glass when it was done - SO dirty!
It was nice because I was engraving away a large area to get a thinner section and the draftboard doesn’t warp at all, but not sure that was worth it! I had no idea
The dirty secret of my glowforge is the area just in front of the heat sync. covered in debris that wont blow away and cant disassemble it yet because I’m still under warranty. Tried to keep it clean by blowing the area out between prints but the long engraves i did at Christmas allowed a layer to build up and set on the circuit board and it wont budge with a blast of air anymore. Would be an easy fix to remove the left side panel but I’m not sure if that will void my warranty. So I just keep it as clean as i can and run till failure i guess.