I haven’t made any tab boxes, but I use a bunch of cheap 2 inch and 4 inch clamps for most projects. I also have a ton of sewing clips (which are tiny plastic clips for when you dont want to pin fabric) that I never use for sewing. They get drafted into glowforge projects occasionally.
When I make boxes or frames, I like to use miters. In which case I love these kinds of clamps. But they wouldn’t work for very small things, because it has to be at least as wide as the corner pieces plus the rachety thing.
When I want to smush layers together, especially if they’re warped, I usually just put a bunch of heavy things on it (books and a fire extinguisher) or use “book presses” my sister made for me. They look kind of like this. They were very cheap and easy to make, and have never been used for actual book making. But they’re very good at smush. Although its not super easy to make sure stuff doesnt slide around while you tighten it, so a little tape goes a long way to hold things in place.