Halloween Card

On the Sesame Street bus were some strange people. Two women both named Pattie, both very muscular. An extraordinary guy named “Special Ross”. A huge man nicknamed “Leonard Cheeks”. Finally, all the people on the bus had bunions that they picked at. What do we call this bus filled with strange people? We call them: “Two all-beef Patties, Special Ross, Leonard Cheeks, pickin’ bunions, on a Sesame Street bus!”


This is so long but funny!!!

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I don’t know why I gave that a Like. But when I was a kid, there was a rumor going around (even before the internet) that if you could say the McDonald’s Big Mac song to a McD’s worker you would get a Big Mac for free. It was false, but I learned that the hard way. To this day, I know the the jingle with all the ingredients. Sheesh! - Rich


We learned how to say it backwards to get a free Big Mac…can still do it…lol


I didn’t think anyone else did that ! (alphabet too - backwards is as easy as forward for me ever since I learned it decades ago when I couldn’t sleep one night…) :grinning: