Hawaii Owner needs material, please

Aloha Kakou!

Calling on all GF Warriors who can assist me in getting any PG WALNUT in 1/4" thickness. It is so difficult being 6 hours behind EST, 3 hours CST, because by the time the email notifications come out from GF saying that the materials are made available, they are all gobbled up, LOL. I have been tracking the email notifications since COVID, ~March, and noticed GF sends them out between 2am and 4am, Hawaii time, which is when I am still dreaming, LOL.

I am asking if anyone would be willing to sell me any Walnut 1/4" that they have. I only would need material that would be equivalent to two (12’x20"s).

Any help and/or consideration would be deeply appreciated.

Thank you in advance!


Walnut ply or hardwood?

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If you can’t find proofgrade & if you deal with Home Depot check out their Columbia Forest Walnut PureBond. Comes in 1/4" & 5/32"


try Ocooch hardwoods website. Im getting my 1/8 inch walnut from them.


Thank you! I will definitely take a look. I am always so hesitant to purchase non-PG materials, but not being able to get a chance to buy PG before it’s sold out is frustrating.

TBH, I have no preference. Just wanting something, LOL. Thank you!

Unfortunately, being isolated proves to be very challenging…the price you pay for paradise. Everything is pretty much out of stock. :woozy_face:

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There are lots of online sources if you want to go non-proofgrade.

Pretty good roundup here.


Ocooch has 1/4" plywood. Very reliable source: https://ocoochhardwoods.com/plywood/

Or try PlanksAndBlanksLLC on Etsy. Highly recommended.

Both stores have unfinished and non-taped wood, but that’s easy to do.


Awesome, Thank you! If it works for the community, it will work for me!

EEK, our local Home Depot says they do not carry any walnut wood besides the tile flooring. They only carry birch. Yikes. Guess I will be going with non PG.

Mahalo so much for your help!

I see Ocooch has been repeated more than once and I was excited to purchase with a cart full of goodies, only to find out that they don’t ship to Hawaii! WAAAAHHHHH. UGH.

Check Home Depot online. That’s where I got mine & works great


Would love to have that option, but like majority of other stores, they don’t offer shipping to Hawaii…not even for pick up at the store. Thank you so much for continuing to share strategies!


I would suggest you limit your designs to materials you already have on-hand, or can reliably source locally.

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Did you check PlanksAndBlanksLLC?

Oh I definitely have been doing that, but at some point, I can’t wait forever either. Thank you for the advice!

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