How to engrave multiple images at once... how engraves work and faster times

Try combining all 4 rasters into a single, monolithic raster and check the time – the GF will definitely engrave it as a single operation.

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I did. It added 4 hours to the time.

With vector art, the GFUI determines the most efficient plan of order which is why it is random. Making them raster will force the machine to go fully back and forth and add time.

Can you lower the Lpi? That should reduce time… Maybe defocus a little to help smooth?

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Ok. If the GFUI is going to do whatever it thinks is best then I guess 4 hours is the best I can get. Maybe in the future I’ll play around with reduce lpi and defocusing. For now I feel like I have something that looks good and don’t want to mess with it.

Which makes sense, actually. It’s often faster to only travel over the actual engraving area(s), rather than forcing it to travel over non-engraving areas-- less head travel = shorter engrave times.

I drew a 4" square, threw in a 3.5" circle. Made 4 copies, evenly spaced.

I threw in four random vector designs.


The top two were 0x000000 black stroke/fill, the bottom two 0x00FF00 blue (first two operations in the UI).

The circles are 0x006400 green, the squares are 0x0064ff navy blue (3rd and 4th operations in the UI).

They load, in order, as shown. I set the first two to default engrave, each are single vector engraves. Set to PG clear medium acrylic, btw.

As you can see, print time is 40 minutes.

I can see that. I’m not sure what this is meant to show me. GF is taking, at minimum, 4 hours to engrave and cut my file.

It’s meant to show you that if you follow the steps I provided, your engrave will also take 40 minutes or so.

Edit - oh, 8 of them! Ok, then 1hr 20min.

So if you read my previous replies, this is exactly how my file is set up.

Then I guess you should open a support ticket, because that’s not how it works for me. That processing is done in the cloud, not by the machine.

I just ran the first part of the example I gave above (modified to two rows of 4), it printed all 4 elements of each row together, as I’ve done countless times. It never “splits” elements with the same color, no matter how they are positioned.


According to @jeffreyp the GUIF decides the most efficient order with vector art. Thank you for trying to help but I think I either have to resign myself to the long engrave times or play with the settings to see if I can get a good result with smaller LPI.