How to track your Glowforge Machine delivery

Any company that has made as much money as GF has can afford a team of customer service reps to relay information to customers. They had $70 million in sales as of April 18. That’s not including the millions they have received from VC firms and their JOANN retail deal. They wouldn’t have gotten any of that if they didn’t have the information about production and delivery times. All they need to do is communicate. I have said it for years in my day job as a retail manager. A customer will wait for 15 minutes if you communicate with them. They understand that things happen and you get busy and have other things going on. But if you don’t acknowledge them at all they will get mad after waiting for less than a minute. They have failed at their communication. That seems to be the largest, and easiest to fix, issue they have going for them. The founders should know this. They are VC guys. This isn’t their first rodeo.

Jules flagged this thread for deletion, so I’m following up on her request. (It will be hidden so you can still access it, but won’t appear in search).

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