I swear, I did search on waterproof acrylic glue

What will acetone do to the petri dish? What makes it special? Or do you use a glass petri dish?

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Yes if you do that in a glass petri dish and you put a sheet of acrylic on it to close it off, it doesn’t have to touch. The acrylic will crack everywhere and it will get totally white frosted. Acrylic and acetone isn’t a good combination acrylic isn’t very good with a lot of aggressive chemicals.

But it’s just common knowledge don’t take the word from a Dutch men! Just look it up on the net.

For example

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That’s because Acetone is a solvent that attacks Acrylic. Which is why it can be used to “weld” Acrylic. You’re not hosing the entire sheet with Acetone, you’re just dosing the area of the joint. The plastic melts and the joint flows together and the Acetone evaporates and you’re left with strong bond.

Here’s a random YouTube video from 2011 where someone explains how to use Acetone to bond Acrylic.


the SciGrip is available in thicker formulations:

the scigrip 40 for example looks ok but it’s a 2 component, which is a bit more annoying.
42 seems like a good option too, if you can work with the 15min windows and can shell the relatively high cost…
EDIT: the 16 seems to me like the best choice, I don’t mind the tube, you can use a tube squeezer if you need better control. I though it’s not sold in the USA but I see it on amazon

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So, sort of related question. I have gathered my acetone and scraps. I have a glass mason jar that used to have tung oil in it. How do I clean that out so I can re-purpose for this? I’m leaning towards just going to the store and getting another jar, just wanted to see if anyone knows offhand how to clean that out without creating noxious fumes that will kill me :slight_smile:

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Have anyone tried aquarium glue? I seen it used on a reality show of custom shop who makes out of the box aquarium designs for the high end market. I want to try that but still havent mastered weld on yet

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Do you have to go buy another jar? Can’t you just use an old mayonnaise jar or something? I think that would be easier than trying to remove tung oil.

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Well, all my mayo jars are plastic, so probably not the best option. I just got a 4 pack of the small canning jars though, wasn’t too bad. And I’m sure they will come in handy for gingerbread at some point.


Jam jars are usually glass, and pasta sauce comes in actual Bell Jars. Even if you are just buying jars there is no reason not to get extra jam or pasta sauce with it. :grin:


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