Ideas for baking sheet

Want to do an engrave on the bottom of a cooking sheet. The issue is the lip of the is 3/4 inch. So when the laser head move over it’s hitting the lip. I thought about removing the crumb tray but that takes the engrave area to low for the laser to etch. Thoughts?

If you could get the lip behind the printhead, and your engrave doesn’t extend to the front, you could probably do it. Take out the crumb tray, put the cooking sheet with the lip behind the printhead and make sure the side lip is also outside of the print area on the left. Elevate the cooking sheet so that the bottom is approximately 1.5" off the floor. With the machine off, move the carriage forward and back and the print head side to side to make sure it won’t crash into the lip. Use the set focus tool and you might be able to pull this off.

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Are you up on your metal marking processes and the limits of the glowforge? Most cooking sheets are either un-anodized aluminum or bare steel, you’ll need to do something to make them markable.

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On top of what evans said… just take the crumb tray out and place it on something to put it back into the focus range but below where it would be with the crumb tray in.

Good watch-out! I did check and it’s anodized. I’ve only attempted metal (stainless) once before with a test etch. It went ok. I do have MolyLube for when I get further into it.

You need to cut out something to lift it into the focal point of the lens without the crumb tray in place. I’m mashed up something, but I think the originals are better.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I just measured again. Unless I trick the door, and move it when the head moves I don’t think this will work. The air scoop at the back is what is hitting the rim as it moves into position.

For this single operation you could remove the fan/shroud from the carriage since you are working with metal and the is no danger of fire.

Would likely throw an error and stop the print.

Ahh, you’re right - then just the shroud might be enough. As I recall that shroud is around 3/4".

If it’s the underside of the sheet, you should try to remove the crumb tray and then use a scrap of 2x4 at each corner to make it level–these are actually 1.5" x 3.5" and this should give you the height you need–or use other scraps of materials–it shouldn’t have to be same size as the open area of the sheet, but just enough so it doesn’t flex and maintains same height, so you might want one in the center, too…

But otherwise, why etch the baking/product side surface of the sheet? Unless user uses parchment paper, the etched area will likely get very dirty very fast, and may even make it harder to remove the baked goods off that etched area or clean the sheet fully…?

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