Inspiration Without Skill or Ability

The first thing I want to make is some toys for my kids, with flashing lights and sirens and motored wheels and propellers, and later to upgrade it to ones that can be broken down and rebuilt into other things…sort of like legos, but with programmable flashing lights and sirens and stuff, so that we can make them do whatever we want, instead of just what the manufacturers offer.

I.E. I wanna take control of the fun…to reach a higher level of fun!


I got really into Arduino and its myriad variants for a while. I had visions of making interactive sculpture and installations. I ended up doing training classes for other artists/makers at a local hackerspace, but was never really that successful using them in my own work. They are a ton of fun though, and every now and then they can be really really useful.


Stuff like the wedding gift you made for your friend, right?


The time will come.

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Yes that is an example of really useful, and was made with an Adafruit Trinket arduino clone.

I classify that thing as a project, but not as a sculpture. :slight_smile:


Oh man, that is so true. I tried to take an art class in high school and the teacher told me to draw some stuff and show her the next day so she could determine if I was good enough for the class. My mom took me to get some art supplies and I drew and painted 5 or 6 things to show her. But then when I went to see her the next day she wouldn’t even look at the stuff I made and sent me on my way. I was pretty upset. And really mad.

I still ended up majoring in art in college, and I suppose I dodged a bullet in a way by not having someone like her as a teacher.




I wish my daughters art paid the bills. :slight_smile: but she’s happy with what shes doing and where she currently is so what more can a father ask for…


You really did dodge a bullet–as an oftentimes-professional creative, I can attest that there’s very little more effective at stopping an artist than a dismissive or know-it-all teacher (i.e., one who fundamentally doesn’t understand creativity).


Here you go, a project you cannot live without.


Omg I need one NOW, friggin adorable :heart_eyes:

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Now that may push me over the edge…
Thank you for that! :sunglasses:

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not just artists. This applies the same to math and science teachers too.


And in a new development, for my birthday present this year my in-laws are paying for an Arduino class at FabLab Tacoma and a starter kit! Wahoo! (They stopped getting me “things” in favor of “experiences” a few years ago.)


Nice! Great gift idea :gift:


Nice! I love it when I find the opportunity to give an “experience” as a gift.

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In another new development the Arduino class that I was going to take was on a day which I couldn’t attend. The inlaws sent me cash to pay for the class, so I can wait until the next class (next Thursday - ), or I am thinking of ordering a kit and just going for it myself. I’m debating between the Adafruit Experimentation Kit ( ) and the Arduino Starter Kit ( ).

It seems like the Arduino kit has enough stuff included to cover the extra $15, and I like that it’s from Arduino directly, so I’m leaning that way.

My options are to take the class, or order one of the two kits. Thoughts?


My tendency would be to go with adafruit, but that’s mostly because I’m a longtime customer and love their online tutorials. (The “from arduino directly” bit is also somewhat complicated, since the hardware and software developers split not that long ago, with more than a little bad blood, but that’s really too inside-baseball for most people.)

A lot depends on how you learn. If you think that a class will get you started better on the details of installing the software and connecting your computer to the arduino, it might be worth it.


I like Adafruit but more is better in this case. Go with the Arduino Starter Kit.


They recently recombined. Still complicated though :slight_smile: