Iris windows

I’ve rekindled my obsession with iris windows this weekend and am determined to build one when my shipment arrives. These guys are just so cool.

Anyone built on in the past they’d like to share?


@polarbrainfreeze has done this:


That man should write a book. I love his blog.

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Yes, I made one. The one in the video posted above is much more elaborate than the one I made. But it’s also using much thinner material, that seems to overlap when opened.

I’m planning on making a model in Fusion 360 of the box I made, and making that available to the GF store once it’s open. I’d like to experiment with different designs for mechanical irises. They’re fun to play with.


This things are so cool I hate them :smile:… because I know I would be playing with it all day just to see them close.:laughing:

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I’ll be looking for that in the store for sure. It reminds me of that captain nemo door I saw a while back.


Reminds me of this lamp. Although I prefer the flat window design better. I think it would make a cooler lamp that just dimmed the light rather than redirecting it.

But I think everything could be a lamp. I’m obsessed. It’s like a sickness.


I’m the same way. My wife has currently banned me from bringing any more cloth covered cord or Edison bulbs home. I really want to try and build that lamp now.


I’d buy that design in a minute.

these iris windows / concepts are so darn dare I say sexy. not sure what I would implement one on they are just so darn cool. I keep getting flash backs from stargate