Is Glowforge the next Lily Robotics?

One interesting line I read from looking at other sources was the fact that the majority of the footage was not done on their prototype device, but on a gopro and a DJI Insipire, while giving the appearance that it was all done with their device.
The attorney general was saying that because they did not disclose it, it was fraud.

It would be akin to the laser cut pieces and projects shown on the GF marketing video actually be cut on a different machine altogether.


Iā€™ve been lurking since the beginning and am fully aware of the pre-release Glowforges out in the wild. They are reassuring to see for sure and Iā€™ve been quietly grateful for the recipientsā€™ posts/results!


I remember a few marketing videos that were showing the great phone camera video and pictures, but the reflection in the windows showed additional cameras with the phonesā€¦ Oops.:flushed:


All they had to do was disclose that. Instead they mislead.

Gotta say, Iā€™ll always continue to buy the drones DJI make. You want some amazing aerial videography/photography, I canā€™t recommend DJI enough. Hundreds of feet up in the air and they hover perfectly like theyā€™re mounted to cement. Itā€™s a little mind-blowing. I wish I had a need to shoot something. I really feel like flying now.


Itā€™s a good article and for me it was worth the read (I learned a few things). Arstechnica is a great site and it was in fact how I learned about Glowforge in the first place!

Lily Robotics had at least $15M in VC funding in addition to $34M in preorders (numbers that while not identical are similar to Glowforgeā€™s). They also offered a full refund at anytime including 30 days after delivery.

The San Francisco DA stepped in and shut down the company due to the repeated delays to protect Lily Robotics employees and customers and ensure they get paid/their refunds prior to the VCs getting whatā€™s (if any) left.


Thanks. If I get a chance Iā€™ll read it. (I am familiar with Arstechnica.)

Time is a bit of an issue right now though for me. :relaxed:

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Same here. Since I read that article, the Glowforge forum has taken all of my ā€œforumā€ time ā€“ I donā€™t think Iā€™ve been on Ars Technicaā€™s forums (outside of reading comments on new articles) in over a year.


I have the dji phantom vision 2 and my only complaint is that the hardware that links the video to your phone or tablet is keen to overheat and go bad. But dji is willing to pay shipping both ways and fix the drone for $100. So even tho its kind of a pain to lose the drone for a few days it isnā€™t a bad deal. Other than that I absolutely love flying it. Like you said it is rock steady in the air.


Oh, how 'bout that. My Plus never overheated. I think they really dialed everything in with the P3. And things have only gotten better from there.

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There are a lot of similarities between glowforge and the lily drone. And there are a lot of differences too. I guess we just each have to decide which we feel is more significant, knowing at the end of the day that thereā€™s still some risk (whether you think that risk is lost money, wasted time, dissappointment, whatever). But, even if Lily and glowforge were virtually identical or not even remotely similar, that risk would be the same. Even if there were no Lily, or no preordered products ever before, that doesnā€™t change the risk.

Funnily enough, the lily drone was one of the first pre-order/crowdfundingy products I ever got excited about. I thought it was awesome. My brother pointed out that the founders were, like, 12 (heā€™s an exaggerater. I think they were recent college grads or in college? I donā€™t really remember) with no prior experience. Fair enough, party pooper. Then he crowdfunded an expensive product by a really well-known expert with previous manufacturing experience. And it was a total disaster. And ended up being just terrible.

Some things are just risky. Is glowforge less risky than Lily? Absolutely, I think, in a lot of ways. But I know others feel differently. And thatā€™s fine. Weā€™ve all invested the same-ish amount of money and time, but that money and time might not be equally risky, if that makes sense.

I should probably thank my brother for being a bossy, knowitall older brother and talking me out of the lily drone. And then make fun of him for his failed kickstartery things. Ya know, because siblings.


Youā€™re welcome! In fact, it crossed my mind that you might actually have posted something about it had I not already (similar to the way you posted about the Muse hobby laser). You donā€™t seem to shy away from things like that which is a good thing!

Yeah, Iā€™m wasnā€™t sure if it was Lily Robotics failing or a/an (over)zealous DA who brought things to an endā€¦ Itā€™s an unfortunate situation for all, even the DA (Lily Robotics was a local, for the DA, company after all).

Of course Iā€™m aware of Glowforgeā€™s refund policy. There is no need to remind me of it (or is that just in your signature line now?). I think anyone whoā€™s head isnā€™t in the sand is aware by now. Even if something similar was to happen to Glowforge, it would just mean that refunds would be forced rather than an option (assuming customer money hasnā€™t been touch and I have no reason to suspect it has been).

I suppose my two concerns would be as follows:

  1. Whether you call it over optimism or deceit (thereā€™s a fine line and only you know which it was), I donā€™t feel there was ever a chance Glowforge was going to begin shipping pre-orders by the end of December 2015, after the crowd funding campaign - the first half of 2016, or the April update - December 2016 (hindsight being 20/20 of course!). Iā€™m optimistic, as usual, that the November 2016 update - end of July 2017 is a realistic target.
    Even if it was deceit (and in no way would I ever expect or even want an admission here), I wouldnā€™t have a major problem with it if in the end you pulled it off. After all, I want my Glowforge!!! It wouldnā€™t shock me if I read an admission in your memoirs 30 years from now (and I hope you are that successful!). I would just chuckle to myself, ā€œI knew it!ā€

  2. A situation similar to Lily Roboticsā€™ where a DA or the FTC steps in and puts an end to the whole thing before deliveries begin. In which case Iā€™m out the Glowforge and whatever else would have happened if I had put my thoughts, time, and money somewhere else. Donā€™t get me wrong, I put my thoughts, time, and money into Glowforge for a reason and Iā€™m still exited about it. Glowforge is, as I understand it, not in compliance with 16 CFR 435.1 - 435.3. That would be my greatest concern and what I think bit Lily Robotics in the end combined with as you said failure to secure a 2nd round of funding.

I appreciate you and am very much looking forward to receiving a Glowforge! Thank you!


I assure you Iā€™m a real customer (I put my money in during the crowd funding campaign) and not some troll trying to discredit Glowforge. I read through the forums frequently and have just never posted anything before. When I read the article, my heart sank because of the similarity with Glowforge. I have gained a lot of respect for the GF community and as such value their opinions and in this case wanted GF community members perspectives other than my own.

With regard to the topic headline, I can see your point. It does sound a little Armageddon/sky is falling.


I have always been a DIY type with my fixed wing and drone RC aircraft, but that DJI Mavic is calling my name hard. I think I will take the jump in a few months.


They keep getting better and cheaper! At some point, take the chance. I get disappointed every time a new model comes out. ā€œWhy didnā€™t I just wait?!ā€ Of course, Iā€™d never have one if I did that.

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Yeah, Had a DJI Vision 2 Plus. Never crashed it or broke a prop but every time I took it out the fact that it was the equivalent of a mortgage payment made me real nervous. Around here there is nothing but forests for many miles. Lose the drone or hang it up in a 80 ft tree and itā€™s probably gone. And the price vs. feature list on all the new versions kept diverging. Decided to give it to my son this Christmas before it was worth nothing.


I figured they would work out the issue by now, they know when you call and tell them that you canā€™t link that that is the problem and rush along the job. Glad to know that itā€™s fixed

Thanks for the article, it was a good read!

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Believe me, I understand. The day I got mine I took it to my Dadā€™s to show him. I was too scared to land it myself so I let it return home on its own. Scared the hell out of me, but wouldnā€™t you know it? It landed 3 feet in front of usā€¦ the exact spot it took off from. We were both amazed.


I feel the same way!

Thanks for your thoughts. Great input!