Laser cut ginger bread house

lol, I tend to “go with the flow” while I’m cooking. When my wife and I were first married and marinated some chicken and then grilled it. My brand new “in-laws” were eating at our house for then first time. The chicken turned out awesome. When they asked my what was in the marinade I went totally blank and realized I had no clue, I just sort of dumped and dabbed what seemed like it might work out of the fridge. That was 20 years ago, and I never have figured out what I put in that marinade that made the difference. Guess I’ll keep trying.


once you have the pieces cut out use a glue gun to put them together.


What a fun idea! :smile:
(Believe I would just stick a candy cane into the hot glue gun though. Not the puffy crumbly kind, the solid kind.)

I like to experiment too but I try to put attention in what I’m using but no always how much, in this way you have to learn to taste again the flavor you had the first time.

This way I had found excellent recipes… and some of the worst food I had eat :laughing:

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Happy birthday @ernesto.a.ramirezr.

The hardest part about gingerbread houses is planning ahead of time enough to get the walls done ahead of time to stiffen up. First time I had a big gingerbread house making session, I didn’t factor in cooling time after baking. We decorated cardboard instead.


Yes indeed …Happy Birthday @ernesto.a.ramirezr! :smiley:

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Thanks @marmak3261 @Jules :slight_smile:

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¡Feliz cumpleaños! ¿Cuantos años tiene mi amigo?


Gracias 31 :grin: y feliz aniversario de Glowforge :tada: :wink: (happy cake day)

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