Laser-Cut Snowflakes

have not seen that before now, but its hilarious! hahaha!

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Somebody has been ripping off Thingiverse uploads and Ebaying prints of others work without regard to common use agreements or author attribution. That’s created a bit of a stir in the 3D community. This Thingiverse entry explains the subject and results pretty well. Looks like Ebay “disappeared” the relevant listings.


I’ve seen people set up whole Etsy shops around doing this, too! I swear, integrity doesn’t matter a whit to a large chunk of society.


I wonder how much the Open Source movement has influenced the apparently low level of ethics that some folks have. There has never been a lack of low lifes, but many of the younger folks I come across seem to think that they somehow have the right to take whatever they want with no consequences. Or maybe it is just the Internet making such folks more visible than they were in the past.

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You know, I once had someone tag a friend in one of my Facebook fan page posts of a snowflake I had 3D printed via Shapeways. The link to the actual listing for the 3D snowflake was in the post, and the tagged friend came in and commented, “Nice! I need to find this so that I can make it!” I replied, “Thanks! The link to my shop is above where you can purchase it!” but he never came back.

I’ve seen people set up whole Etsy shops around doing this, too! I swear, integrity doesn’t matter a whit to a large chunk of society.

There’s a whole COUNTRY where there is a trillion dollar black market that is devoted specifically to counterfeiting products…it shall remain nameless, but I think we all know where I am talking about…

They are probably reverse engineering the GF as we speak :open_mouth:


KitCameo, thanks for sharing your work. It’s innovative and lovely, and I can see where a GF will empower you to take it to the next level.

I’d also like to thank you all for the tangential conversation about ethics and infringement. As a working artist, I alternate between feeling giddy about the amazing things I’ll be able to do with my GF - and feeling very apprehensive about how many people will get them and attempt to recoup their investment by trawling the interwebs for design ideas to replicate. It’s reassuring to hear that other people recognize that possibility, and encourage a respectful approach to design. Kudos to everyone who has mentioned (or even just considered) concepts like “ethics” “integrity” and “respect” in regards to how they’ll use their GF.