Dude you made something from tree paste with friggin lasers!
BRILLIANT !! seriously love everything - and great tip on etching!
It turned out really, really great! Thanks for sharing. I really like how you etched the paper to get a bleached effect.
I like how the different sized leaves create perspective.
Thank you!
People I show the glowforge to are amazed (including me) the laser can fire low enough to etch paper!
I am curious @smcgathyfay, do your lasers give you that degree of power control?
You’re totally right…went back and looked at it again after reading your comment…it looks like the leaves are falling!
The Redsail (60W) does. I’d be surprised if most don’t. Especially the lower powered ones (like <120W). The K40s can but they’re finicky with the dial power control. Mine doesn’t have the digital controls so I don’t know if those are better.
My anniversary is coming up but since my wife will be gone on a work trip we plan on celebrating this weekend. It hadn’t occured to me to make something…or get anything specific… oops! Thanks for the reminder and for giving me a good start, although I am left with far less time and she tends to lurk around me when I’m lasering so wish me luck haha
Also, I agree that she is the most wonderful occurrence in my life. Great work and maybe this is also a great reminder that CHRISTMAS is coming up, so get the creativity flowing extra early for that
That turned out awesome! What settings did you use?
Absolutely…etch and cut paper…Universals are precise…but cost 5 times the cost of the
My hubs gets up and makes me coffee every morning. That’s all it takes for me – he could pretty much screw up everything else and I’d still be happy.
I do that for my wife! So I’m good, right?