Laser shifting when engraving

Glad that was an easy fix. On my machine, if I have work positioned in the far right of the bed up front, the head will tap the limit and the same thing results.


Did you ever see my loose screw thread? I wonder if you are in that boat?


That doesn’t ring a bell… it hasn’t been critical to anything I need to accomplish. I just avoid it, but I would like to see that thread.

Happy forum anniversary. You have been a strong addition to the community man.


I’ve met the man and he didn’t seem to have a screw loose… :thinking: :innocent:


@PrintToLaser, here you go. Also thanks for the anniversary wishes and the compliment!

From a discussion with support:

Ok so I had placed the GOGM on the extreme right side of the bed. It would go down to start/scan material, register a bump and stop.
I turned the machine off and manually tried to move the head and felt resistance.

I looked closely, expecting gunk on a rail or something but instead found that the head circuitboard was just grazing a screw in the gantry, it was clearly not screwed in all the way.

This is one of the screws that hold the “guard” in place that keeps the ribbon from escaping. If it had been unscrewed even a tiny bit more I’d have had major problems long before this. Luckily I had a torx driver handy and was able to screw it in. Interestingly it was not loose at all, so I can’t imagine how this would have backed out… it was probably always like this.

So yeah it’s a huge longshot, I don’t know if it’s ever happened to anyone else, but that was my really weird head crash issue.