Let's talk about Glowforge®: logo and brand guidelines

Also missing from the Glowforge logo bug files: There needs to be ® or ™ mark on the logo bugs.

IANAL, but I believe the logos AND stylized text titles should individually have their own symbols (as in “Microsoft®” and the “Microsoft logo” are registered trademarks…) unless they are both used together in the 2-in-1 logo, in which case a single ®/™ mark is permissive.


Yep, lots of engineers here. :smiley:

I’m sure the logo guidelines are in spirit, a way for the company to allow users to include the corporate logos on items or in free digital designs, without having hundreds or thousands of people hand-tracing the artwork, and publishing artwork that may have just enough variation that it becomes an issue with consistency in the corporate identity.

In summary, don’t sweat the petty stuff and dont pet the sweaty stuff.

Oh, and knives and guns are not unsafe. HUMANS are unsafe. We could just as easily hurt each other with pencils and pillows so I dont think there is any need to read more into the boilerplate in these guidelines than there actually is.


I agree, in general, but for me it all depends on my question above… If we’ll be suspended or banned from using the GFUI for any reason, there’s a lot more to be concerned about.


I’m not sure the legal terminology but from a syntactic viewpoint you could say that the adjective Glowforge is used as a substantive. It remains an adjective but is used as a noun with the implication that it is modifying the word “laser” which isn’t written. I had a long conversation with my Spanish teacher about this issue of using adjectives as nouns.

This is where we get into the whole Kleenex/Coke/Allen key/Inbusschlüssel discussion.


I suppose, conceivably, they could do that since the cloud connection is required and they will know every user logged into their system, but I’d imagine before you ever got to that point, you will have received a cease and desist letter. Before you get to the point of receiving a letter, you pretty much will have to knowingly and intentionally violate the guidelines in a malicious or damaging manner.

It’s not going to happen by accident if you’re placing the logos they provided onto items or into artwork that you’re distributing. Now, if they update their logos in the future and people continue using the old versions, that’s an issue that has to be dealt with even if not a malicious intent.

If somebody morphs the logo into something defaming, there’s grounds for retaliation.


Dumpsters. Phillips. Robertson (perhaps moreso for Canadians) to name some others.

I don’t think there’s much likelihood of Glowforge being used as a verb (ie.- googling; glowforging doesn’t quite have the same ring to it [and entirely too many syllables!]). It certainly does have a risk of genericizing, though (‘I brought my Glowforge’ / ‘I brought my Glowforge desktop laser’) simply because Glowforge is both the Brand AND the product (in lieu that they have no formal product name for it!).

Using Microsoft as the example, it’s Microsoft® Windows 10™ because they fight genericization by having the actual product name properly depicted.

There’s a reason it’s not called a “Glowforge Glowforge”.


Yes. That’s a great illustration!

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I say that I will “'forge” something all the time. So, yeah… I verberized it. :wink:

True enough. But that’s also a bit of a risk (can’t think of a better word to go there). People say all the time that their “Adobe” isn’t working when what they typically mean is that their Reader isn’t working. Just today I heard somebody tell our Help Desk that they “don’t have Word.” They “just have Microsoft.”

In this case it’s a Glowforge brand laser cutter by Glowforge. “That’s right, kids! The Glowforge by Glowforge! It slices! It dices! Ask for it by names!” :wink:


Ha! I realize you’re joking, but you actually didn’t. You just used the word “forge” as a verb. A contraction is not trademarkable. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s also why they’d never be able to trademark Glowforge® Forge™

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“forge” is both a noun and a verb (it’s a tool, and a process of manipulating material) :slight_smile:


Is that true?! That’s really interesting. (Yeah, stupid stuff like this sometimes interests me. I try to know a little about a lot. :wink: )

So I can say 'forge without using ®. And similarly when I sing

Let it glow… Let it glow…
Don’t sit there anymore
Let it glow… Let it glow…
I can’t wait to open that door
I don’t care
if it takes all day
Laser light shine on…!
The smell never bothered me anyway.

Go ahead… admit it… you’ve got that damned song stuck in your head now, too, dontcha.



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I am constantly getting the song ‘scream’ by the misfits stuck in my head because the glowforge fan is at the exact pitch of the main note in that song thats held over for a very long time. So every time im running a job I find myself singing that song and wondering why until I sjng it out loud and harmonize with the laser cutter.


Well mostly because it provides a single word, descriptive term of the action, but yeah.

I think I have the solution, though.

Glowforge should change their name to “Glow” (Inc.), and the product name to “Fjorge”.
Then we can all say we have a Glow® Fjorge™! :laughing:


That’s hilarious. Happens to me all… the… time. In different ways. One is when I hear a note and notice “That’s the first note/chord of {song}.” The other is that I always hear related songs or chord progressions. So, for example, when I hear the opening credits of Elementary I also simultaneously hear Britney Spears’ Toxic.

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Instantly thought of the John Wick movies :smile: And true. People hurt people, everything else is just a tool we use :frowning:


It’s right on the first page, even: “We’re absolutely tickled that you’re so excited about
your Glowforge”

Right… Needs to read We’re absolutely tickled that you’re so excited about your Glowforge brand laser cutter/etcher. What a lovely read that’d be. :slight_smile:

Let me circle back with Friendly Neighborhood Lawyer and get that straight.

You can do anything you want. :slight_smile: In the forum, it’s in the context of the forum homepage, so don’t worry about the symbols.

No worries.

Indeed, good point.

Same as noun… prefer not to, but it’s 100% up to you and we have to stop ourselves from doing it sometimes too.

I believe the only way a person might be stripped of access to the GFUI is if they violate the terms and conditions. For example, if someone stole your GF and connected it to their account, we might disable that account.

Thank you!

We ask your permission to use your work for marketing (so no opt-out is necessary). The only exception is if you post something on the public internet, we may link to or interact with it - for example, re-tweeting tweets, linking to blogs, etc. (We wouldn’t download and post it on our own site, though!)

This isn’t special to us, of course… anyone on the internet can do those things. That said, if you have any concerns, shoot us a note and we’ll do our best to oblige.


Thanks! No major concerns just curious of the interaction :slight_smile: