Modifications for a GF

It would really be cool to clamp this thing on the side of a building, car, or onto any unlimited size object and go to town. In reading up on this here and other places, it seems like that would be similar to putting duct tape on an air nailer safety trigger at your job site. I did see a kickstarter a few months back for a 3d printer that had unlimited z (vertical) travel based on connecting a few vertical rods/bars. Since the GF is already stackable with its air filter, it would be cool if future versions of the GF allowed you to purchase stackable sections simply to give you more depth while maintaining all safety precautions. Just a brainstorm for future feature requests :smile:


Haha!! Thats an idea for sure!!!

@Joshua Great idea. Maybe theyā€™ll do accessories in future.

This is definitely a needed feature. Having even another couple of inches of z-depth would allow for a huge range of materials to be engraved (not necessarily cut through). A removable base plate (leaving a completely open underside to the unit) would be awesome!

Iā€™d like to do some chess boards with engraved patterns along the edges (among other things). If nothing else, once the GF has paid for itself and earned enough to purchase a replacement Iā€™m definitely going to look into modding it with a removable base and a handy dandy GF printed adjustable base platform. Has anyone thought of doing something like this with a lathe of some sort? ā€¦something that allows you to etch a glass bottle, rotate it a bit and continue etching so that you can print a pattern all the way around.

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Well it is a laser cutter. I would at least try and cut an acryllic table with it. Then a removable floor :smile:

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We are a diverse, clever group of creative people. Many with technical skills - and great confidence in our abilities. We as individual owners will have the option of sinking as much money and time into improvement as we please.

Some may see this as a slight or even an insult to the Glowforge team. Not so.
These guys are putting together a killer machine and platform that will allow many who werenā€™t able to (me) to participate.
Mass production at a specific price point negates the ability to include many features. You have to draw a line somewhere.
Many times in my life I have repaired equipment to a higher standard than it was manufactured to - because I like to tinker, and my time (retired) is worth nothing.

On my potential list of improvements/enhancements is the ability to accommodate items taller than 1.5".
Depending on the thermal profile of my basic, more efficient cooling for a longer duty cycle.
The ability to handle cylindrical items would be huge.

Iā€™m sure the product will be robust and quite capable. Any modifications will only be considered once the warranty has expired, and in no way reflects on the excellent work Glowforge has accomplished.
The existence of the ā€œhopperā€ speaks to the recognition of their customers ingenuity. Bring a group of bright minds to focus and things evolve.
@dan and crew know a significant percentage of their customers stand ready to take the ball and run with it.


Hey, donā€™t devalue yourself like that! Your time costs you nothing, but that just makes it all the more valuable of an asset! :slightly_smiling:


Agree with that.
To some, it is something that can not be replaced.