Muse laser is delayed

Heard from a user on the Glowforge facebook group that the Muse laser is delayed (they had claimed they would ship all orders starting in January.) He did not get an explanation, but others who had ordered told him that the issue had to do with the camera and that they weren’t sure if it was hardware or software.

Definitely not a good sign for them, especially as they have claimed to have hundreds of them ready to ship out. If they do indeed have or even suspect a hardware problem, that’s not good news for their test and QA processes. I still have yet to see any videos or posts from anyone who has seen one in the wild, save for the quick Tested video from CES.

I’m glad Glowforge is taking the time to do it right (even if it’s frustrating!)


31 posts were merged into an existing topic: Rumors about the Full Spectrum Muse Laser