My Glowforge, about a month in... went a little crazy!

I would have to say, working with the glowforge is probably the most fun I have had on a machine in awhile. It is totally worth the wait. I had thought about giving up and getting my money back, but there is no way I would give it up now!

I wasn’t real happy with UPS the day I was supposed to get it. Their estimated time of arrival is a joke, and it didn’t seem like they cared at all about the package… There were large holes all over the place, even to the point where the tape on the actual laser was broken. Can’t even begin to express my frustration at their policy of not letting me look at the package before saying I would take it.

Luckily the glowforge booted up and worked without any issues. Plus glowforge support was supper friendly and helpful… wish I could say the same for UPS.

And then we were off to the races, making everything we had wanted to for the last two years!

This is just a small sampling of what we have done.

Engraved on cedar.

Proofgrade acrylic.

Leopard Wood


Walnut - Oyster Shucker

Maple Burl, don’t remember, Tiger Maple - 1911 Grips

Titanium Coated Skinner - and yes we were doing testing, and I just wanted to see if it would work… risky I know.

English Oak - 1911 Grips

Proofgrade Acrylic - Coasters


Proofgrade Maple

Birdseye Maple

Wenge and Redheart - Mounted this one on my wall!

It does take a little work, but really you can add a ton of flair to pretty much anything! My next project will be engraving some custom pens, HAHAHA!

If you were on the fence about leaving, don’t. You will regret it.


OMg! What beautiful projects! Your knife handles are just stunning! :grinning:


Very nice!
I see you do a lot of grips, @mpipes did a tileable Diamond Knurl in free laser designs that would be good for that!
I used it in This.


Thanks, we do a fair number of grips. I’m going to have to try this pattern out and see how it feels!

Such great projects! The knife scales are really cool.

Nothing wrong with going a little crazy! You really got to work trying out different materials - can’t wait to see what’s next.

Really beautiful pieces! I am especially wowed by the titanium coated skinner. Did you do anything special before you did the etching? Congratulations on going a bit crazy. Looks like fun, and I can’t wait to join you all.

I didn’t do anything to the blade before trying. Was thinking it would be similar to aluminum and just discolor the blade, failed a couple of times before dialing it in.