Need some toenail advice stat! (warning: talking about a minor injury so not for the squeemsih.)

Well, 2 broken toes…I’m sorry, but glad that your nail seems unscathed. Did they tape your toes? Or splint?
Good for you for getting through the MRI–I had a 30 minute one a few weeks ago and had to do some breathing exercises to not freak out… They did give me headphones and “some nice music to listen to!”, so I had 20-second bursts of Joni Mitchell or Sting or Steely Dan between the bouts of loudness.


I guess you posted while I was typing and I did not notice at that time as I was about to crash, So no competing in 30 yard dashes but beyond that I have never had any special instructions for any of mine and the case noted I never knew it was broken till what was probably years later.

OTH I don’t think MRIs were invented at the time either :older_man:

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I haven’t actually talked to the doctor yet, so I dunno if they’ll recommend taping, a boot or nothing. The third toe isn’t broken, but it has some soft tissue damage so the thought of taping the three together doesn’t thrill me. :grimacing: The podiatrist sites seem to recommend a boot, so that might be what I ask for. Yeah, the MRIs were even rougher for me because I had a head/brain scan and a neck scan, so not even a few seconds of Joni Mitchell. I’m sure she would have made it so much better. :grin:


When I broke my big toe as a kid, we taped it, so I knew what to do when I broke one again a few years ago. It comes down to what is comfortable (I never bothered going to see anyone for the three I have broken in the last few years) - I could never live with a boot. I tend to not wear shoes a lot…

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