Opening the front door

In hindsight, I should’ve upgraded to the Pro for better cooling. My basic gets too hot all the time, since the room gets a little warm at times.




It would cauterize at the same time though.


@hivemind Even if you go with Dan’s suggestion, please do NOT try to do what you are even suggesting, even if you are still itching to try it!!!
( why didn’t you just pay the extra and get a pro? )

At least wait until we all get our GF’s

If you do something that ruins the GF and adds you to the list of potential Darwin contenders, it will just give them another excuse to delay it :frowning:

Don’t be That Guy.

( DISCLAIMER: I am being tongue in cheek, everyone chill )


After a quick google search, I don’t think anybody has ever been killed by a laser so it would be first.


Although I seem to recall a certain Mr James Bond having a close call with one.


At least not of the home/hobbyist type of laser.

Bigger not always better (for some)


Yeah but that guy wasn’t killed by the laser light/radiation, nor was he killed by the fumes/gasses.

FTA (From The Article)

The worker who died was struck within the “point of operation” zone of the machine.

That means the bridge/gantry moved and crushed him OR they were working on the material handler/tables, and they automatically shuttled. Most likely in ‘rapid’ which is really, really fast. I remember jumping out of the way of the Bystronic Byspeed 3015 the first time I saw it perform a ‘rapid’ from across the sheet to home. (The Byspeed 3015, is enclosed, so no way to get struck, because multiple safety interlocks). If those interlocks were bypassed, I can guarantee, at full ‘rapid’ & max acceleration settings, you’d need incredible reflexes to not get hit.

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Did you ever get a solution for this? I have a Pro, which has pass through, but the slot is painfully thin. I’d love to be able to put longer, thicker pieces in there to engrave the ends… I have the Glowforge Air Filter box and would use safety goggles…

Have you found a way to leave the door open and still engrave?
I am trying to laser engrave paddles.

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The problem with the pass through slot is that it only allows for depth at 1/4”. I want to engrave long charcuterie boards and can’t do with the side door closed

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