Can I just use regular Cannon Photo Paper to print on my large format printer then and use 3M General Purpose 45 Spray Adhesive? and what’s the best puzzle generator to use? and what’s the salt method? lol …
Canon photo paper should be fine. The more matte though, the better it seems to be from what i have seen. The spray adhesive should be fine. Just be mindful of the temps being winter and all. They do not set up well in cold temps. Salt method is basically putting the pieces into a bag or Tupperware bowl of salt and shaking them around.
What do you mean they don’t set up well in winter?
Meaning that below a certain temp (if you are spraying outside, or in a cold workshop) the adhesive won’t work properly.
This puzzle post and the responses are so helpful. Thank you! I’m making 20 piece puzzles for a dementia ministry at church. The patients bring in pictures from their past and I turn them into puzzles for them to assemble. So far I’ve made them using a scroll saw. But with your advice and my Glowforge, I will switch over to laser cut. Thank you!
Hi, I’ve been trying to do this for a couple days now and my photos keep on burning around the cuts…I’m using Walmart’s glossy photo paper, gorilla glue spray adhesive, and the proof grade base board. I’ve tried picture side up and picture side down on top of masking tap on the honeycomb tray. When I do masking tape on top of my pictures it rips the ink off the photo…anyone know what I’m wrong??
You should start your own thread for questions like this, so it has its own topic and would be easy to find in the future.
Ok thanks, I’m the new guy
what did you use for a backing on this puzzle? and what were the settings I used settings recommended on this site ? I used settings recommended on this site, yo stated but there was no link to those settings…
Searching the site: Search results for 'puzzle #beyond-the-manual' - Glowforge Owners Forum
This one is probably the most complete single post - but really, using the search function and reading multiple posts will always be the right answer! Cont. I'm Puzzled - Chipboard and Photo Paper
as and always, you’re going to need to test, because your paper/glue/backer/temperature/humidity/etc. is unlikely to match someone else’s exactly!
A super fun project for sure with looks to be some fun participants…lol Great job, love the puzzle !
Yeh I read 190/100, is all i got there is alot of info to go thru, I bought the Daige Gluer already, i just want to know how not to burn the paper, when i first tried i glued a 8x10 to wood. and i did not coat it with the varnish, and I used settings for the medium basswood, and i all i got was flash back and burn of the paper of the wood at the edges, so that is why i asked.