Pre Release: An amorous Turkey, poison ivy and cedar coasters

Great advice! I need to get some of that cleaner anyway.

This makes me not to want to do yard workā€¦like ever againā€¦lol
Iā€™ve never had an issue of exposure with poison ivy, thankfullyā€¦


No, it should make you want to do yard work with a goat!

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So questionā€¦if the goats eat the poison ivy and you use their milk for making soap (we get alot of goats milk soap) can any of the nasty transfer into the milk??

Donā€™t believe so in any way. They absolutely dissolve all the proteins etc. They eat all sorts of plants that would be toxic to us (juniper berries, etc) and we donā€™t get sick from their milkā€¦


I used to make a stew recipe that had dried juniper berries in it. It didnā€™t poison me or my friends and family that ate it.

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There is a guy around the Twin Cities that uses goats to clear the buckthorn and then brings in pigs to get the roots. I read about a city in TN that used goats to clear the kudzu around a tunnel (too steep for humans), but then someone stole the goats. :disappointed::laughing:


You got lucky. There are 40 species, only the one for gin is typically used for flavoring (as it is edible and edible), a bunch more are technically edible but awfully bitter and a bunch are highly toxicā€¦

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I didnā€™t pick them myself. I just bought them in a food shop, so I expect itā€™s like fungi. You need to know whatā€™s what if you pick them yourself but not if you buy them in a supermarket.

The port is usually useless. you need to put more of a box at the back of the saw with the vacuum connected to that. think large rectangular funne.

Rockler Woodworking might have one already to go. my chop saw isnā€™t in a permanent home so Iā€™ve never bothered to worry about serious dust collectoin from it.

Beautiful work!

Thatā€™s my problem tooā€¦ It normally sits on a shelf. This is the first time Iā€™ve used it since some trim work in the fallā€¦


Mmm ginā€¦with cranberryā€¦lol. My mom always grew juniperā€¦loved the smell growing upā€¦lol. My sister hated it.


I just made blackberry syrup specifically for using in G&T - mmmm!


Oh yummmm.

Taking it to a much higher levelā€¦ :yum:

I grew up in area that has tons of poison oakā€¦ I always keep a bottle of Tecnu around. It works great if you arenā€™t crazy allergicā€¦ but I did have a friend growing up who was so allergic to it that just standing too close downwind of a large poison oak bush would result in a nasty rash. Tecnu didnā€™t do anything for him, because by the time we got back to the house he would invariably have broken out already. I was susceptible, but it wouldnā€™t show up until the next day (if I forgot to shower with tecnu). Another good friend had no reaction to PO whatsoever. He would hand-weed them from his backyard.


Well if you look in the pic at the top you can see John sitting down on the right IN ITā€¦ He has no reaction obviously


In PA, my Mom would distill the ā€œjuiceā€ from jewel weed flowers to treat poison ivy ā€“ smashing the flowers right on it was fairly effective, but the concentrate was much betterā€¦