What did you dye it with?
See Above.
I’m glad to hear that. The local makerspace had a policy of “It’s OK to cut leather, but we’d really rather you didn’t.” (Since then they’ve moved and have entirely new ventilation, so I don’t know.)
This looks fantastic!!!
Thanks for sharing
I’m a Capricorn too
This is very worthy.
um… my composure is back… this looks FANTASTIC!
Anyone got that new sign Ophiuchus? I did
That looks amazing! What a brilliant design!
The current version of the Proofgrade leather is very light tan, unfinished, vegetable tanned kip leather. Extremely high quality. If you let it wear naturally it will darken to a mid-tan. You can oil it with all sorts of products, stain it, rub it with wax, use water to mold it… all sorts of cool stuff.
It’s really easy and fun to work with!
Yeah, there is a guy at my Makerspace that always does la ton of leather on the laser before I go in to use it and one could only WISH it smelled like bacon… or pork rinds… or anything palatable. Burnt hair. Have a really good exhaust system ready if you plan to focus on it. lol bleck.
That is good to know! My son works from home in the next room behind a closed door (GF is in a family room at the other end). He definitely smells the acrylic and wood and has made comments. I will make a point NOT to start playing with the laser AND leather until he is off work. Glad for the heads up!
I just ran across this thread again. I just love the design of the bracelet and the dangling beads on the ends.